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Canada geese

king ratcatcher

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tbh , if you were going to take one make sure its close and a head shot i cant see any law saying you cant shoot them as they are on the open lisence, but as i said only head shots or i wouldnt even bother, we have loads and i have been wonder my self about it.



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Im sure i read that for these birds it states that even though they are on the vermin list you still have to use non toxic that should rule out airrifles.... ;):D:D???


To me no one in there right mind should try to kill them with an airgun have you not seem the size of them i think they are just a bit to big. :lol::lol: :o ;):/ :blink:

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You really ought to use a shotty with a large shot cartridge at least size 1 shot but BB are better and they have to be non lead so either steel or tungsten alloy and make sure your gun is proofed for these type of shot too :blink:


Geese are tough things and to be honest i think air rifles are a no no against the things. Shotgun certs aren't hard to obtain unless you have some bad history.


Wood Pigeons are about the largest bird i would personally take with an air rifle though there ARE those here who would prefer the use of shotguns for the woodies too ;)


Lord Geordie

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What is it about people wanting to shoot canada geese with an air rifle just lately?


We had 1 person ask last week on the bbs and then another 1 today on there and now one person on here aswell.


Canada geese are now on defra's open list and classed as vermin and can be controlled by shooting them ONLY WHEN OTHER MEANS OF DETERING HAVE BEEN EXAUSTED.

That means try to scare them off in as many possible ways as you can before going down the path of shooting them and certainly DO NOT USE AN AIR RIFLE.


Would you shoot a fox with an air rifle?:sly:?:thumbs: I think not.

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