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Went roost shooting tonight by a brook running thru the wood and dropped the first bird into it.


The water didn't seem very deep so I put my kit down and slid down a steepish bank into water that I thought would go maybe half way up my wellies and suddenly I was up to my groin in the water.


I had sunk above my knees into silt and now I was laying against a bank that had nothing to grab hold of and the ground level was about a foot above my head.


Oh **** :o


I was starting to panic a bit and thinking that if I moved I might sink in deeper. Could have rung the farmer but he wouldn't get there very quickly.


I managed to work myself along the bank until I could grip a tiny little sapling that just held to get myself out. I was thinking "dont break, dont break".


Gawd I was glad to get out but I ended up draining my wellies and trousers and carried on shooting :D , got a few more birds but didn't realise my face was covered in blood from the scrapes when dragging myself out.


Shan't be doing that again :/

Edited by sitsinhedges
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i picked a pigeon out of a ditch that Mirokudave dropped while out roost shooting the other day

i didnt go in the water but with the bird only winged it flapped and splashed the smelliest muckiest water allover me, not nice!

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Done something similar though not as threatning, last year was coming back to my truck after finishing a decent day on the crows, on my own and about 300 yards from the back of the farm buildings, I had to negotiate a gateway,no prob you may say but as cattle go in and out of this gate daily and its never shut it had become a pond!!


Only way around this pond of about a foot deep of muddy water was to stick to a raised dry section about a foot wide, anyway Im not the best on my feet having a set of pins as flexible as two lengths of wrought iron, and sure enough my left foot slipped in now I was carrying my gun, and had a bergen strapped to my back,as well as a deek bag(sea sack) over my right shoulder,tried to remove my foot from the mud , nope stuck FAST throws gunslip into hedge (at least thats safe and dry)


Now I try to remove the bergen managed but it got very wet(the sea sack was already off wet and muddy!!)still could not remove foot from mud which was now just over the top of my welly, so nothing for it than to try and remove foot from welly? pulled and pulled and out it came only for me to flop backwards into the mud,by now I am out but litterally soaked and covered like a tar baby! but my welly a le chameau (spelling)was sunk out of sight, but the thought of spending meant no way was I giving it up, so off with the other one, socks off (not that it made much difference! and using the spike of a hide pole I set about digging the welly out, about 20 mins later I have it and gets it and everything else to dry land, pulls myself together and manages to get back to my truck, only for frank the farmer to come up to me and say what the hell have you been doing? I declined an answer on the grounds I would have lost a good crow shoot!!!


I eventually got home with the truck seats, my bergen, deeks bag and nets covered in wet brown mud, only thing dry was my gun, its taught me a lesson that even a bit of shallow water albeit a mudbath, can litterally grab you,and to give it a WIDE berth god knows how long I would have been there if I had not managed to get my foot from the welly? if I had had my boots on I would have been well snookered.



Edited by kdubya
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Done something similar though not as threatning, last year was coming back to my truck after finishing a decent day on the crows, on my own and about 300 yards from the back of the farm buildings, I had to negotiate a gateway,no prob you may say but as cattle go in and out of this gate daily and its never shut it had become a pond!!


Only way around this pond of about a foot deep of muddy water was to stick to a raised dry section about a foot wide, anyway Im not the best on my feet having a set of pins as flexible as two lengths of wrought iron, and sure enough my left foot slipped in now I was carrying my gun, and had a bergen strapped to my back,as well as a deek bag(sea sack) over my right shoulder,tried to remove my foot from the mud , nope stuck FAST throws gunslip into hedge (at least thats safe and dry)


Now I try to remove the bergen managed but it got very wet(the sea sack was already off wet and muddy!!)still could not remove foot from mud which was now just over the top of my welly, so nothing for it than to try and remove foot from welly? pulled and pulled and out it came only for me to flop backwards into the mud,by now I am out but litterally soaked and covered like a tar baby! but my welly a le chameau (spelling)was sunk out of sight, but the thought of spending meant no way was I giving it up, so off with the other one, socks off (not that it made much difference! and using the spike of a hide pole I set about digging the welly out, about 20 mins later I have it and gets it and everything else to dry land, pulls myself together and manages to get back to my truck, only for frank the farmer to come up to me and say what the hell have you been doing? I declined an answer on the grounds I would have lost a good crow shoot!!!


I eventually got home with the truck seats, my bergen, deeks bag and nets covered in wet brown mud, only thing dry was my gun, its taught me a lesson that even a bit of shallow water albeit a mudbath, can litterally grab you,and to give it a WIDE berth god knows how long I would have been there if I had not managed to get my foot from the welly? if I had had my boots on I would have been well snookered.




Glad you're out to tell tale !


This particular chap abandoned boots





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Not very nice feeling even after the event has happened you start to think just what if or how close you come to meeting your maker . I did the a similar thing . I was working on a shoot making some feeders and i went up to a different farm on the estate to use some power tools . Halfway through the day i needed to go for a pee so i headed off past the barns and to a quite area that looked like rough ground with lots of weeds and a few shrubs. About two strides later i was up to my chest in a slurry pit , lucky for me there was some old Harris fencing to one side that i grabbed onto and pulled my way out. Never really thought how much danger i could of been in till later that day made me feel quite ill for a few days later .

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