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BASC calls for uniform approach to firearms licensing

David BASC

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Its the actual costs of issuing a ticket, should we be subsidized by the public purse or pay our way, its a hard one, at that figure its £40 a year so I could drop my BASC membership and buy claymans insurance and be about quits. The bigger issue is what precedent will it set, if it becomes say a money making venture we could end up with shorter licensing terms and more checks and end up coughing up far more. I've been shooting 20 years and its about the only thing in shooting that hasn't changed much prce wise in that time.

Yep, that's right, only 800% in 55 years. It was 10/- (50p) when I started.

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Given the cost has not risen in 11 years, it should come as no surprise that it was going to go up sooner or later. BUT let’s keep the costs realistic and sensible, the 400% was just grabbed out of the air! :rolleyes:


But is we are paying for a service then we MUST demand a equity of service across the UK based on law, the Home Office Guidance and the ACPO best practice, not some local jobs worth opinion that he is the master of all he surveys! :angry:




That's the thing,people pay more for a better service in lots of situations,but that is because there are a lot of businesses doing basically the same service and you can judge for yourself if you want to pay extra and have a better service.With firearms/sgc licensing there is supposed to be one big business doing exactly the same service,yet we are in the situation of having lots of individual businesses delivering different levels of service.


Some say fox is vermin others dont,some say you need DSC training if you want a deer calibre some dont,multi shot shotguns,mentors etc etc etc.


I agree David,if they want better payment for a service then the service has to be delivered better accross the board with one set of rules for ALL !

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I think the whole process of aquiring a shot gun licence and a fac certificate should be nationalised to a standard of equality throughout,rather than regional variations,this would speed up the process and lower costs to the police.

I thought the costs were cheap and easy to get a sgc/fac,perhaps they ought to introduce something like the deer course for every application,so that EVERY owner knows all quarry/calibre/ranges etc as this would bring in more revenue for new applicants and raise the standard of owners taboot,and we could all have open licence saving hours of feo time surveying land.

Licence ALL fire arms,inc air rifles,start cheap and increase price with calibre and pay per rifle shotgun on your ticket.then we would only have what we needed or afford ! :hmm:

Just my ramblings.

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Is it the 1 4 1 variation they want rid of,or the 'free' 1 4 1 variation? As an aside,all shotguns put onto sect' 1 would automatically abolish the 'right' to own a shotgun unless disqualified by law,and each shotgun would requre 'good reason' for possession,as is current with firearms.Not a move condusive to the future of shooting in my opinion.

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No one is looking to get rid of variations.


This issue is just about the cost of grant, variation and renewals. That is what the meeting is about on Tuesday.


This did come up in the HASC review - the costs. Although Parliament has not gone through the HASC report in the House yet, this single issue has started to run, not least of all because some police authorities were looking at cutting back on home visits to cut costs.


This prompted the Minister to remind Chief Constables about the demands and needs of the Act etc. This prompted some of them to start moaning about full cost recovery, the need to raise costs etc.


But as we say, its all well and good to raise costs if that is needed but get you blessed service levels sorted out first. None of us want to pay more for poor and inconsistent service!


Many, no most authorises do an excellent job, and treat grant, renewal and variation in a fair and very reasonable way. :good:


Others, the minority, as some of you know, are awful – they are draconian, impose stupid and pointless conditions that serve little or no objective, are awkward when it comes to land checks, inconsistent, the list goes on. :no:


If these poor performing units were in business they would go out of business, but as they have a monopoly they get away with it. :sly:


They cant claim its on ‘public safety’ grounds that they do this, as demonstrably all the other authorises that don’t do these silly things have as good or better safety records among their certificate holder than those who impose daft conditions etc.


Anyway ranting over…for now :angry:



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And why would you say that?


Bill has done more to represent shooting voice in front of ACPO, the Home Office, in Crown Courts around the UK than anyone I know.


He has helped literally hundreds of people keep their certificates, he lead the campaign to keep pistols for humane dispatch, he has taken FLM after FLM on and made licensing systems more fair in constabulary after constabulary over the past 10 years and now only a few daft ones remain to be targeted


I would rather have Bill there representing my interests than anyone else.


Of course I hope that several of the associations will be there too.


Instead of making antagonistic statements like that please think of something more constructive to do or say.



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And presumably the normally sneering anti-establishmentarian Bill Harriman will be representing us? The sooner he is replaced the better for all.




Now that's not nice ........OR TRUE for that matter. I am well known for allegedly BASC bashing on this forum but draw the line at maligning Bill. He's done more for shooting than anyone else I know of. He's also a lovely bloke to talk to, both in person and on the phone (just a shame he works for the wrong team :P )


And he's on Antiques Roadshow. :good::lol:

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I heard rumours from one of my FEO's a while ago about the possibility of sound mods coming off ticket - that would save a bit of hastle and money if it were suggested at the right time to the right people, perhaps on Tuesday David? ;)


Now that's an issue that, for once, shooters and licensing departments actually agree on and have done for years. I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.


Webber, we've agreed on something. Don't make a habit of it. :rolleyes::lol: :lol: :P

Edited by DaveK
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My goodness, this is getting serious, Dave K, David BASC, MarkB and Webber all agreeing :lol:


As I promised i will give you al an update as son as I have it, The big message id for the FLM and FLO and their uniformed officers to get their act sorted first, then once they are running efficiently look at the costs.



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