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Legal advise about neighbours new building


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  On 01/03/2011 at 14:59, twitchynik said:

Get the Daily Mail round and put a glum face on whilst pointing to the offending building. They'll run a front page article the next day moaning about local government cuts, the state the country is in and how it's every man for himself these days :sly:


Alternatively, as Alex said. Get in touch with local planning department and seek professional advice from a solicitor who specialises in that area.



:lol: Quality one, a little known fact is that theres not been a single edition of the DM without a glum glum faced couple/person pointing at something that nobody cares about.

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No body has suggested nipping round with a bottle of scotch and wishing them all the best with there new building.......... :blink:




If it was my land however it wouldnt be there in the morning or any other morning (I have a 15 tonn digger)...... :rolleyes:





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Firstly I must say that I wished that I had emptied my bladder before reading some of the answers to this post because I nearly pi**ed my self laughing. :lol:


The original op said it was being built in a field not the garden, now it has been built it automatically requires planning permission as you cant apply for a prior notification retrospectively.


This is a civil matter between yourself and the other side, if the shed has to come down and its your land the planners will chase the land owner. :yes:

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You need proper legal advice and not the opinions etc of us inexperienced people on here. If any of you are qualified and experienced then I apologise and suggest that if you are willing that you advise the OP by pm.


It seems from what you have told us that you own the land and have documentation to prove it?

A third party cannot just take your land without your leave and assume it is alright to do so. The fact they have done it seems to indicate they are ignorant of the law or more worryingly know something that allows them to do this?


You should at the very least tell them, in writing, to stop all work until you have sought advice. A non planning permission structure can be knocked down and removed - there was a case round here a few years ago of a finished house being demolished.


Alternatively you may wish to sell them the land - this may be the easiest and cheapest option and that is what they may know and be presenting you with a fait accompli (a thing already done).

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if the land has finaance secured on it, it would be worth contacting the lender. Sometimes they will have insurance that will pay for legal work, worth a try before coughing up yourself.


A- If you don't mind it being there then sell the land for a high price.


B - If you do mind then contact planning.


If your evil do A and then do B anyway :lol:



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Youve got them by the short an curlies, demand a stupid amount for thier intrusion say £15000 and say it can stay otherwise you are going to lodge a complaint that its on your land and you want it gone.If the boundary is clearly yours and they havent applied for permission the council will HAVE to ask for it to me taken down :good:

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  On 01/03/2011 at 17:48, Acid House said:

No body has suggested nipping round with a bottle of scotch and wishing them all the best with there new building.......... :blink:




If it was my land however it wouldnt be there in the morning or any other morning (I have a 15 tonn digger)...... :rolleyes:





Style that :good:

I would start digging that pond you planned right up against the wall :lol:

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  On 01/03/2011 at 18:42, Evil Elvis said:

Youve got them by the short an curlies, demand a stupid amount for thier intrusion say £15000 and say it can stay otherwise you are going to lodge a complaint that its on your land and you want it gone.If the boundary is clearly yours and they havent applied for permission the council will HAVE to ask for it to me taken down :good:



Its a good idea to ask for money for the land but if the person who has put it up applies for planning permission and it is granted then what then? The people who have put it up only have to inform the land owner they are applying, I could apply to put a massive building in your back garden and only have to notify you I am applying I dont need your permission to apply.


As I have said before it is a civil matter that needs resolving :good:


edited to say I am not having a go just stating fact.

Edited by harrycatcat1
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  On 01/03/2011 at 18:41, reddan said:

if the land has finaance secured on it, it would be worth contacting the lender. Sometimes they will have insurance that will pay for legal work, worth a try before coughing up yourself.


A- If you don't mind it being there then sell the land for a high price.


B - If you do mind then contact planning.


If your evil do A and then do B anyway :lol:





Dont contact planning till you have sold it though

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  On 01/03/2011 at 16:36, FalconFN said:

This isn't true, if a building is illegally built they will have to remove it, it may take some time to go throught the legal stuff, but there is no law that says a building is exempt from planning/property law after 2 yaers.


You are right not 2 years but 4 years after being substantially built :yes:


edited to say immune from planning enforcement after 4 years

Edited by harrycatcat1
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Well we rang planning enforcement this afternoon then seemed quite excited and are ment to be haveing a look tomorrow, the surveyors are going to set the boundary out aswell, land registery and documents from when we bought the land and defras maps for the farm payments are apparantly enough it seems pretty simple though it runs straight. The chap seems a bit cheesed of that were not just letting him have it, but his wife has rang my dad and appologised and said she told her husband not to build it there. So hopefully it will all be sorted. We think its time to put a nice chain link fence up around there house aswell incase they do it again.

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  On 01/03/2011 at 14:52, Fishleigh said:

Hi just a quick question. Our neighbour has started building a shed/garage around 30/40ft long oak frame, red brick walls. Problem is its now sticking out about 3/4 on to our feild? We went and asked the neighbour what they were doing and they just said sorry didnt think it would hurt and would we sell the land? We rang up the local planning office, no permision had been granted. We have also rang up the local surveyors and they are happy to come set out the feild boundary ( we have land registry documents aswell as the legal papers when we bought the land and defras maps they send us every year todo with the farm payments ) Now were stuck, we dont no whats the next step to take? We dont want to sell the land. Any ideas chaps?

Hello mate you dont need to talk to anybody just tell them to remove the building or you will have it removed at there expense another alternative is to draw up a contract stating they can rent the land at a resonably fee agreed between yourselves but they never own the said land



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  On 01/03/2011 at 18:55, vampire said:

Style that :good:

I would start digging that pond you planned right up against the wall :lol:



:lol::lol::lol: I was just having the same thought..maybe a nice 15ft deep hole on your side , all the way around the building


got to be honest..right or wrong..if it was on my land...the thing would be gone by the morning and dumped back over to thier side, he has shown you no respect..even by offering you to sell him the land..he should of asked 1st

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