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hi chaps hoping to get my firearms granted in the next couple of weeks, i have asked for a 22 semi with a sound mod, also a 17 hmr with a sound mod too, could you guys give me some advice as what guns would be a good buy for me, main pray will be bunnies and occasional fox if its a definate kill, as dont do suffering, cheers in advance matt

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I've been shooting a .22 BRNO bolt action for over 30 years now. In that time I have also had various others in the same calibre, semis, underlevers etc with and without mods. I have yet to have anything that is better than the BRNO.

For messing about wasting bullets the semis are good fun until you get bored of them but for pure rabbit killing reliability a bolt action is way ahead IMO.

A second hand BRNO will be really cheap too, or new CZ if you are flush.

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I would say that with a semi auto you will get some noise off the action BUT you also get some noise working the bolt of a rifle :yp:


You get a lot of noise off the action of a semi especially at the dead of night when lamping. Depends how rough you are with a bolt, I can honestly say I have used both a semi ruger 10/22 which had at least 2000 rounds through it in the year I had it which I traded in for a Cz 452 and have never regretted it. Hell of a lot more accurate and superbly quiet, therefore less disturbance when lamping resulting in larger amounts of dead bunnies.

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Gof ro blot actions Matt, youve used my HMR Marlin, nice rifle, but a bit fancy and a bit too long, but deadly accurate. Also ,my CZ .22, which you saw when you came round. Ill go shopping with you when you get your ticket through, the most important thing though is the glass ontop.

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Another thumbs up for a CZ :good: if I had to get just one rimfire I'd go for the .17HMR, although the bullet crack can be noisy if you're planning to shoot loads of rabbits.


You can drop a fox with a well placed head shot from a .17HMR, but as mentioned it's unlikely you'd get it signed off for foxes on your FAC, a .22WMR would and it's often a good starting calibre if they don't fancy giving you a centrefire.


Nowt wrong with semi autos for rabbits, I've used a tricked Ruger 10/22 on rabbits and they work a treat, maybe a tad louder than bolt actions depending on the gun but the 'whump' of the bullet impact drowns it out downrange! :D

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