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Did i get the Chicken killer?


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It all starts back in late January really.

Farmer lost some Ducks to a Fox!So we went up next night,but,as has been the case regularly here,a no show.

By this i mean a no show for nearly 10 days.Not even returning for the carcasses left.


We baited up nearby and it started to go evey night,so up on the bales and wait with the NV.I was lamp man and Bazooka Joe was shooting this time.

I was still sore from hitting black ice and writing my Jimny off..OUCH! :oops:


After only 25 mins,i spot the tell tale shape of a fox about 160yds away near to where we had been watching a Hare.Suddenly this shape split to become a pair-Bonus :yes:

BJ gets the rifle ready and i start to call.1st fox starts towards us tentively,when the other races past and comes running.BJ says right stop it..to which i called louder and it came in faster(i'm usually the shooter :blush: )then i remembered to shout OYY,to which it promptly stopped at about 80yds and was quickly despatched.

Lamp straight onto the other 1 but there was,as is typical,a solitary Hawthorn right in the beam :rolleyes: .

Foxy just wouldn,t stop and eventually made it's way out of the field :/

Not to be outdone,we had the Fox-pro set up,and a Vixen call was set away.

I picked up the NV to see the fox retracing it's steps towards it's stricken mate.No amount of shouting or squeaking would stop it so we waited until it neared the fence...that fatal last look eh?

A good quick and accurate shot from BJ did the buisness :good:

Upon investigation,it had been the Vixen who came in 1st...typical man eh? a bit of shivalry was his undoing.



Onto February and some of the carcasses now go!

I'm straight there and set up in a barn with a specially adapted window(farmer likes foxing with us :D )

Fox-Pro is set up 80yds into the field and i start with the Vixen call(thinking teritorial interest here)

About 35mins into the stand and farmer says "here we go" to which we see a fox moving away from the caller.

It's very jumpy but i set up the NV and get the x on at 90yds.Disaster..just as i sqeeze the trigger it steps forward.There's a strange noise as though it's been clipped,not the usuall thud you hear from a good hit or a clean miss.

We searched all over in the morning with the dog but no joy :no:


So onto this week!


Farmer has been setting a clock on some bait and had times of 01 50am :oops: and 12 20am bit better <_<

After checking the area he's baited i decide it' not suitable tonight(sheep and lambs )so we set up as before in the barn.Caller on (chicken distress this time ;) )and wait.Nothing so i try the Vixen call for 15mins,gradually increasing the volume.


Nothing so we wait in silence and within 10 mins i pick out a pair of eyes.NV is attached and i pick up the fox moving up the field between some trees.

It pauses out of sight behind 1 and i start to think of the 1 missed,OH OH,breathing is a bit heavy now but i calm slightly as it re-appears.

The Fox now stops side on,AHA,just what i've been waiting for!Place my finger on the trigger and he moves..not again,no wait,he sits down and starts to scratch.

A gentle squeze and his itch is sorted.Big dog fox.


Upon investigation,he had a fresh scar on his knee on the rear back leg!was he the 1 i clipped a few weks earlier?Maybe,but the bait hasn't been touched since,so hopeully he's the culprit been gettin the Chicken and Ducks.

Farmer is happy and that's what's important.


Cheers for reading :good:

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Well done mate just got myself a add on didn't like the original adapter so i have come up with a different fitting thanks to a couple of mates just got to try the new fitting out now..


Was talking to the big fello a few days ago he didn't say you had totalled the motor glad you are OK will have to get together some time to compare the NV... :good: :good:

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Good shooting mate. What calls are you haeving the best luck with the Foxpro? Will ahev to compare notes.


Fox Rally,all year round seems to get the attention of dog foxes.

Chicken Distress 1 has worked a few times..no luck with no 2 tho.

I know Magman off here has had success with Rat Distress,tho i haven't got that 1.

Scream'n Rabbit,Red Fox +rabbit,Young Rabbit distress and Dying Jack have all brought foxes in at night for me.

As with all fox calling,nothing works 100% and sometimes the most obscure 1 works..Woodpecker Distress has worked twice for me when all else failed.


Got a bit of a lack of Fox around these parts recently for some reason :whistling: NV does make a difference and the Fox-Pro allows you to keep a call going.

Have had it calling for an hour before a fox has shown whereas i would have given up and moved on just hand calling :yes:

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Fox Rally,all year round seems to get the attention of dog foxes.

Chicken Distress 1 has worked a few times..no luck with no 2 tho.

I know Magman off here has had success with Rat Distress,tho i haven't got that 1.

Scream'n Rabbit,Red Fox +rabbit,Young Rabbit distress and Dying Jack have all brought foxes in at night for me.

As with all fox calling,nothing works 100% and sometimes the most obscure 1 works..Woodpecker Distress has worked twice for me when all else failed.


Got a bit of a lack of Fox around these parts recently for some reason :whistling: NV does make a difference and the Fox-Pro allows you to keep a call going.

Have had it calling for an hour before a fox has shown whereas i would have given up and moved on just hand calling :yes:


Agree also find that quiter seems to work better especially near to a large woodland area, the sound echoes for miles. Agree also no matter what sometimes they just dont come near but ahev had them walk right up and sniff the caller whilst watching them with NV. Great piece of kit, I realyl like being able to leave it out 100 - 200 yards away. I like the metal stand yuor using, might look to make one like that. Ive had a few calls work for me including Vole squeeks, rabbit distress, Baby bee cottontail. My mate also has a Foxpro and he has the red fox rally on his, not sure how much joy hes had with it though. I had 2 calling abck to me the other week when using a fox territory call. Good luck.

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