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Shot this one last night, after it had given us the run-about earlier in the week.


Finally came into a cub distress call from Al4x's FoxPro, at 130 yards.


Poor thing.. looks like we did it a favour.


Farmer had lost 3 chickens and a duck... here's hoping this was the culprit.


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anybody who wanted that one was well and truly welcome to it haven't had one smell that bad in a very long time I stayed well away from it on the basis Gary shot it so he could carry it. Ignoring the fact after the .243 shot it was still moving so it took the mighty HMR to put it down permanently ;)

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weirdly jaw and shoulder funnily enough its the second one I've had to do that to with shoulder shots. It knocks them down fine but they do seem to take a few moments to give up. It was a wiley one and wasn't stopping for long each time and was face onto us so it was take the shot as quick as possible.

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