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best semi auto


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Hi all


just about to start out hopefully managing a serious pigeon problem near to where I live, and have already sought expert advice from seasoned shooters on the matter.


Have previously hunted with air rifles over the last year or so, but now have provisional authority to get going properly. FEO has authorised:


A) s1.FAC...........Rimfire .17hmr and .22wmr




c) Semi-Auto on FAC


A and B are sorted so to speak, however C requires your advice please. The S1.Semi-Auto to be used for said pigeon control, and it was the FEO who suggested the idea of getting a shotgun on FAC ticket.


Budget.................willing to spend 1k for a gun that will last and I wont want to P/X 6 weeks down the road. So, ladies and gents.............what would you do?



No fifty fifty or phone a friend!!





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Welcome to the forum. Would br better for you to put this in the 'Guns and equipment' section mate.


As i told you on the Guntrader forum :good: :good: :good:


But totally up to you, as the money which your spending is yours (well i hope it is :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Edited by Simon123
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Hello and welcome mate.


I use a non FAC Beretta AL391 with synthetic stock and would swear by it. Excelent shotgun, smooth to use never faltered or failed to cycle and will cycle everything from 21g clay cartridges right up to 3" magnum.


the only drawback for yourself is that I think the FAC varient has a limited magazine capacity of 3 or 4 cartridges.



I hope this is of some help.




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I'd try before you buy, as many as possible to see how you get on with different brands and actions. Reliable workhorses have to be a second hand Benelli M2 or Beretta 3xx series. My choice would be the M2 as it takes much less maintenance and cleaning but you should try them as they're a "Marmite" gun :lol: .


Good luck!



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When I decided I needed "wanted" a semi auto first it was the Winchester SX3 then a beretta Teknys then it was a benelli

Believe me go to the shop and mount a few get the feel of them.


I found I hated the Winchester didn't like the messy cleaning of the beretta


In the end got a new Benelli super black eagle why?? it fits and feels right

Edited by mfletch
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FAC shotgun for pigeons suggests to me that you need a gun that absorbs recoil well, or you won't be able to get onto that 4th pigeon ;)


So a gas operated semi with a recoil reduction system might be the jobbie.


I would recommend the Beretta A400, but as I have limited experience of the alternatives it would only be the opinion of a happy owner. I also like the way you can adjust the cast and drop to make it fit you better.

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Can't imagine why you'd want an FAC shotgun for pigeons? If you do get one it will have much less resale value, and the number of times you'll need more than 2 or 3 shots at one time are very limited. If you want to waste cartridges firing at birds that you keep missing as they disappear over the horizon, an FAC scattergun would be perfect, but if you can shoot reasonably straight you probably won't wish you had another couple of pills in the tube very often at all.


I've got a Maxus, and it's fine. Fires everything I want to put through it, doesn't weigh too much, and reduces the recoil adequately. The Berettas are nice too. Not tried any of the recoil operated guns, but expect they'd work well too. It's an auto, not a best London gun, so get whatever you take a shine to from any of the proper makers and it will do the job nicely.

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Best to try a few if possible before you buy,

One qestion? are you left handed? if you are like me your restricted to Benelli in the 1k region.

other wise the Aforementioned Winchester SX3, Barreta Tenknys are very good pices of kit.


Winchester not ammo fussy and Fast cycle rate but no one is going to shoot 12 live pigeons in flight in 1.442 seconds and i it found awkward to clean


Barreta good reliable would be my first choice in right handed


Benelli lighter than winchester and barreta as no gas piston also easier to clean, However heavy on the recoil and can be load fussy as it relies on recoil to chamber the next round.


you need to look at what you want from the gun and see if it fits/Suits you


My 2cents



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My 2 pennies worth..... Just bought my 1st semi auto (winchester SX3) and so far I am really pleased as I am now hitting much more than I was with my Silver pigeon, due to the SX3 fitting me far better.


I think it is always the case to listen to everyone elses advise and then go and buy the one that fits you best as I truely believe the better it fits the better you shoot!

Edited by Pigeon Paul
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You need to get what you need, FAC shotguns are in honesty rarely required, and they add issues of balance with a long magazine.


Unless you are absolutely convinced you must have FAC Semi Shotgun, then don't get one.


Most semis can be loaded live, ie, top them up before empty, and think in terms of Beretta (biggest seller of Semis in the world), 390 series up to date or maybe Benelli (Beretta own them anyway)!



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You'll have to shoulder as many as you can to see which fits best, my Benelli m2 has never let me down and although looked after doesn't lead a charmed life......very quick handling too if that's what you need :good: I get the impression they'll last a lifetime.

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FAC AL391 or FAC Extrema1.


And a vote for the Browning Maxus - it shoots really well, though I only use it for clays. Having convinced myself that I really wanted one last year (new shiny toy syndrome :rolleyes: )and having found that I can shoot it as well as my OU Ultra I actually don't like shooting it that much...... :unsure:


Why? I find the cycling noises of the spent cart being ejected and the next one being chambered detracts from the pleasure of shooting - and that coupled with the discomfort fellow shooters have when they see one (I have a bright orange Safety-plug for it too).


It's a shame as the Maxus (the SX3 is closely related I believe) is exquisitely engineered and beautifully made. I put 250 28grm carts through it when it was new and have shot maybe another 250 24Grm carts since - not a hint of any kind of cycling issue ever.



So - has been suggested before; do go and try a few guns before buying - will you find all the cart cycling stuff annoying too after a while??

Edited by Cosmicblue
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