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Coloured shooters


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Well I`m a non white if you like, not easily offended but but don`t really like the coloured tag much. I can easily lay claim to having done more fieldsporty things than most all my life thanks to my own avid pursuit and indigenous friends help. I`ve kept and hunted with ferrets, shot over them, decoyed pigeon, lamped rabbits, semi poached them with lurchers, shot clays, course and sea fished early on at school, had the odd day or two of pheasant, partridge and duck and I can`t wait for the next day out.


I hesitated a bit in posting because by definition racism is really bigger than a forum thread which is just a flash in our daily lives, it`s too easy to gloss over things. My experience will probably not mirror an Afro caribbeans because unfortunately racism has grades like anything else. It not only depends how dark you are or how you actually look but also perhaps how you speak and where you happen to be. I`ve lived in Southern England most of my life and the proximity to London and such areas as Surrey and Essex has meant that I`ve largely escaped any real persecution. I VERY rarely experience what a black man experiences on a daily basis even in London. I recall a brief period in my life when I had to live in a flat in North London owned by a white Jewish girl and her black Afro caribbean (now husband) boyfreind. Ray was truly a beautiful person, big, good looking, intelligent company and well spoken, such that I was taken aback when I first met him having only spoken to him on the phone previously. He and I shared a good few nights out in our brief friendship and he told me things that even I couldn`t imagine. One night as I was parking my company car several streets away (that`s London life for you) he happened to see me in the twilight and shouted oui or something from a distance, a few days later he asked me if I remembered shuddering slightly as if I thought a black man was about to attack me and I admit I had............so I`m afarid even I can be a little judgemental but it`s whether you are prepared to do something about it.


We`re all a little more forgiving towards our own type, I married my own type because I prefer it that way so I can`t call those who want same colour grand children racist. I have very rarely experienced anything other than minor hesitation in the field, my friends and those who know me are always happy to see me and you better believe when I say that even a big broad smile can`t hide a true racist, I can pick them out from 10 yards away. When I visit a new clay ground for the very first time, I do notice the stares a bit but the little **** in me just giggles as I can`t wait to see their faces when I start smoking a few :lol::D . People need to be exposed to others before they lose their prejudices, these are often ingrained and passed on by poor upringing. The media has been one huge poison in recent years but compared to say 40 years ago we`re streets ahead. Those racist syndicate members mentioned by another poster will be gone 40 years from now and replaced by more tolerant, intelligent descendants. One of my bestest friends on the clay field was by his own admission a bit verbal about blacks, I could see this myself but it didn`t stop me from working my way into his circle because I knew we would like each other and he`s one of those I hug now. Another best pigeon pal would sit next to me in a hide and roar with laughter at what Alf Garnet had said, he was old school raised to distrust but totally comfortable in my presence. Was he racist or simply unfortunate in having bumped into me a little late in life? I say the latter.


Now onto answering the original question. I firmly believe it is a combination of factors as to why we don`t see more non whites. First is the obvious percentage thing, Greeks, Cypriots, Iranians, Turks etc have hunting in their blood so you won`t keep them away. African people don`t appear to have a huge desire in hunting and undoubtedly they perhaps feel the least comfortable in such environments. Having said that I have bumped into a few including David who is a bit of a hot shot too. Arabs tend to favour birds of prey but there are a few on the Olympic trap scene. There was a Chinese kid who shot in Kent a few years ago but despite showing very good promise I have not seen him in years. One thing that foreign people find hard to comprehend (even those from mainland Europe) is the put back nature of British fishing so maybe they can`t see the point in spending thousands to sit by a river and release the catch?


For what it`s worth I can`t say I find this particular forum uncomfortable to visit. There are one or two, the worst thing is not the actual racism but the fact you simply cannot respond to it when surrounded by a pack of thick hillbillies that are not reined in by the mods. That is the part of racism which hurts.

Edited by Hamster
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Well I`m a non white if you like, not easily offended but but don`t really like the coloured tag much. I can easily lay claim to having done more fieldsporty things than most all my life thanks to my own avid pursuit and indigenous friends help. I`ve kept and hunted with ferrets, shot over them, decoyed pigeon, lamped rabbits, semi poached them with lurchers, shot clays, course and sea fished early on at school, had the odd day or two of pheasant, partridge and duck and I can`t wait for the next day out.


I hesitated a bit in posting because by definition racism is really bigger than a forum thread which is just a flash in our daily lives, it`s too easy to gloss over things. My experience will probably not mirror an Afro caribbeans because unfortunately racism has grades like anything else. It not only depends how dark you are or how you actually look but also perhaps how you speak and where you happen to be. I`ve lived in Southern England most of my life and the proximity to London and such areas as Surrey and Essex has meant that I`ve largely escaped any real persecution. I VERY rarely experience what a black man experiences on a daily basis even in London. I recall a brief period in my life when I had to live in a flat in North London owned by a white Jewish girl and her black Afro caribbean (now husband) boyfreind. Ray was truly a beautiful person, big, good looking, intelligent company and well spoken, such that I was taken aback when I first met him having only spoken to him on the phone previously. He and I shared a good few nights out in our brief friendship and he told me things that even I couldn`t imagine. One night as I was parking my company car several streets away (that`s London life for you) he happened to see me in the twilight and shouted oui or something from a distance, a few days later he asked me if I remembered shuddering slightly as if I thought a black man was about to attack me and I admit I had............so I`m afarid even I can be a little judgemental but it`s whether you are prepared to do something about it.


We`re all a little more forgiving towards our own type, I married my own type because I prefer it that way so I can`t call those who want same colour grand children racist. I have very rarely experienced anything other than minor hesitation in the field, my friends and those who know me are always happy to see me and you better believe when I say that even a big broad smile can`t hide a true racist, I can pick them out from 10 yards away. When I visit a new clay ground for the very first time, I do notice the stares a bit but the little **** in me just giggles as I can`t wait to see their faces when I start smoking a few :lol::D . People need to be exposed to others before they lose their prejudices, these are often ingrained and passed on by poor upringing. The media has been one huge poison in recent years but compared to say 40 years ago we`re streets ahead. Those racist syndicate members mentioned by another poster will be gone 40 years from now and replaced by more tolerant, intelligent descendants. One of my bestest friends on the clay field was by his own admission a bit verbal about blacks, I could see this myself but it didn`t stop me from working my way into his circle because I knew we would like each other and he`s one of those I hug now. Another best pigeon pal would sit next to me in a hide and roar with laughter at what Alf Garnet had said, he was old school raised to distrust but totally comfortable in my presence. Was he racist or simply unfortunate in having bumped into me a little late in life? I say the latter.


Now onto answering the original question. I firmly believe it is a combination of factors as to why we don`t see more non whites. First is the obvious percentage thing, Greeks, Cypriots, Iranians, Turks etc have hunting in their blood so you won`t keep them away. African people don`t appear to have a huge desire in hunting and undoubtedly they perhaps feel the least comfortable in such environments. Having said that I have bumped into a few including David who is a bit of a hot shot too. Arabs tend to favour birds of prey but there are a few on the Olympic trap scene. There was a Chinese kid who shot in Kent a few years ago but despite showing very good promise I have not seen him in years. One thing that foreign people find hard to comprehend (even those from mainland Europe) is the put back nature of British fishing so maybe they can`t see the point in spending thousands to sit by a river and release the catch?


For what it`s worth I can`t say I find this particular forum uncomfortable to visit. There are one or two, the worst thing is not the actual racism but the fact you simply cannot respond to it when surrounded by a pack of thick hillbillies that are not reined in by the mods. That is the part of racism which hurts.



:good: Best post I've read in ages.

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I was born and bred in the Newcastle of the 70's and we had very few dealings with any ethnic minorities other than asain shopkeepers (this was the east end of Newcastle, not the racial hotbed of West Newcastle). I must admit that it was a bit of a culture shock when I came down to London (at the tender age of 19 and only my third visit to the smoke) to join the Met police. One of my first nights out at Hendon involved having a few jars in a predominantly black pub in Lewisham (a great night with some very nice blokes, even though they were aware of a few honky wet behind the ears cops in attendance). I was lucky enough to have a posting to my first nick around Limehouse. The majority of villians and naughty bods I came across were white. I managed to miss the institutionalised racism bit that 'all' Met cops apparently suffer from (according to the Gaurdian and the ***holes who read it).


I have spen my whole adult life policing the populus of London, mainly in the east end. This has given me the grounding to realise that colour means squat, it's what goes on in some ones heart and head that counts (easy for me to say as being a white, straight bloke I have never come under attack other than by the white liberal do-gooders of this world).


Shooting is a white working/middle class pastime (mainly in my experience) and is therefore gauranteed to have racial predujice within it's ranks. To try and argue other would be silly. There's fools in all walks of life, be it shooting or tiddly winks.


Back to the original post, I have seen plenty of black men (and a few women) shooting 9mm carbines and other assorted cannons, none from the hip. Thankfully on a firing range in Gravesend though and wearing blue uniforms. As a mate of mine has had to say a few times before, rainbows are coloured, he is black (and not non-white, possibly the most insulting tag).

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(easy for me to say as being a white, straight bloke I have never come under attack other than by the white liberal do-gooders of this world).


Same here, and not sure everyone who reads the Grauniad is an ********, but maybe just 'a lot' of them.


Shooting is a white working/middle class pastime (mainly in my experience) and is therefore gauranteed to have racial predujice within it's ranks. To try and argue other would be silly. There's fools in all walks of life, be it shooting or tiddly winks.


Absolutely. Very sensible post :good:

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This topic was raised in the office today... not at all in a racist way... just discussing the fact.


I work in the angling journalism industry and in almost 20 years I've yet to come across any coloured anglers on the pleasure, match or specimen fishing scene, and neither have I met or shot with any coloured lads/lasses at any of the clay grounds I've visited.


Are these two sports solely for the caucasians?


What do you reckon?


Its because they only use handguns and the shotguns they have are all sawn off at the end!!!! :lol:



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I'm shocked at the level of racism on here and very surprised that this hasn't been flagged up. Depressing really :no:

Where is the alleged racism? To really give you something to bleat about, I raise you some homophobia: shut up, you iron hoof. You don't know what you're talking about.


Oh, how I miss It Ain't Half Hot Mum...

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Interesting Post Hamster,


Just out of interest do you think you would have shuddered when parking your car in a dodgy part of north London if a big white man had shouted out "Oi you" at you ?


Of course I know what you mean Canis, but also think you know what he meant. Media stereotyping and the truth don`t always mix.

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DR W, re your post - "I find these sort of comments just as offensive as the racist ones, how dare you insinuate that most shooters or that most of PW are racists from a few posts on here."


I don't know what post of mine you are reading friend, but I said 'many people on here.' Not 'Most' or 'the majority' or 'all'.

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Let's face it we all know there are a few people here (and everywhere) who are die-hard Alf Garnets, be they racist, homophobic, sexist, disabled-ist or whatever. The fact is the law nowadays protects everyone more or less equally. Because many straight/white/able bodied people are unused to being discriminated against on those grounds, it can appear that positive discrimination is taking place when it usually isn't. Of course there are always exceptions, because there are always exceptions.


The apparent double standards (non-racist but anti-gay for example) here can sometimes be hard to stomach however many people here can remember when homosexuality was actually illegal, and now in some circles (such as the media) you could be forgiven for almost feeling it's compulsory. So in not-that-many years being gay has gone from a crime to a right defendable by law. No wonder an older Christian guest house owner got confused about what they could do.


Growing up in the 70s with the casual racism, laughing at poofters, the Irish, golliwogs etc takes a fair bit of shaking off and I think the odd tongue-in-cheek comment is a lot different from active race discrimination, which even the ****-takers probably wouldn't actually do in the real world.

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I think we still must keep some sort of non-discriminatory segregation, as if we dont, it can break down things like heritage. This is not saying there is any excuse for any of the .....isms, as most of the time it leads to violence and confrontation, but at the same time we must respect and understand boundaries. Im all for a multi-cultural lifestyle, but if we let things become the norm, then we can forget so much.


My god, ive posted something readable for a change. hahaha

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I think we still must keep some sort of non-discriminatory segregation, as if we dont, it can break down things like heritage. This is not saying there is any excuse for any of the .....isms, as most of the time it leads to violence and confrontation, but at the same time we must respect and understand boundaries. Im all for a multi-cultural lifestyle, but if we let things become the norm, then we can forget so much.


I think many of those things implicitly exist, do you remember the furore a few years ago when the national parks were in danger of losing funding because 'ethnic minorities' were not using them. I remember on radio 4 saying something like 'middle England was up in arms' about it? My feeling was they are open to all and if anyone doesn't use them then that's their choice.


We can apply that to anything, even shooting!

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Growing up in the 70s with the casual racism, laughing at poofters, the Irish, golliwogs etc takes a fair bit of shaking off and I think the odd tongue-in-cheek comment is a lot different from active race discrimination, which even the ****-takers probably wouldn't actually do in the real world.

But it was funny. Alf Garnet was the figure of fun, as was Eddie Booth in Love Thy Neighbour. Their racism made them look foolish. People are so thin-skinned nowadays that every comment is taken personally, even if the actual butt of the joke is somebody else.

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It there is anything I hate more than racists, homophobes, disablists and sexists it is "fatists" :cry1:


You know the ones, they say stuff like "you've got something on your chin" and when you rub your chin they say "not that chin, the other one". They make other jibes about "Greggs" and "pie eating" too :cry1:


I would like to see zero tolerance on fatists - sweaty, tubby people of PW let's unite and create our own anti-fatist cult where drinking lard isnt a crime. :thumbs: :friends:

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It there is anything I hate more than racists, homophobes, disablists and sexists it is "fatists" :cry1:


You know the ones, they say stuff like "you've got something on your chin" and when you rub your chin they say "not that chin, the other one". They make other jibes about "Greggs" and "pie eating" too :cry1:


I would like to see zero tolerance on fatists - sweaty, tubby people of PW let's unite and create our own anti-fatist cult where drinking lard isnt a crime. :thumbs: :friends:


I've not heard that before, the next disgusting fat blob I meet will get that one.

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