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An Enjoyable Morning Out (Again)

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Following my success with the crows and fox last Friday morning, I decided to go back there today and see if I can get some more corvids. I arrived at the farm at 05.40,just as the sun was rising, and was sitting in the hide, with all the decoys etc placed out, by 06.05. There was a brisk breeze, and I could not see any birds flying about anywhere.

About 15 mins later, a jackdaw hovered above the decoys, and was dispatched, followed by another one 5 minutes later. These were placed on my floaters. Soon after, a crow came over the decoys and he was shot too, and I put it on a floater to the right of the decoys. Things went quiet for over half an hour, then I could see, what I thought at first was a crow, coming in to the crow/floater. I could then see that it was a rook, and 36grm's of #5 shot brought it down.

I shot a few more birds, mainly jackdaws, and added them to the decoys. Three birds (one crow, two jackdaws)were shot and fell into the hedgerow, and despite looking for them, I could'nt find them. At 09.25, I decided to pack up as it went too quiet.

In total, I had 1 Rook, 4 Crows and eleven jackdaws, which I was pleased about. I'm going back up there tomorrow, but this time I'm after the magpie's and squirrels.

The photo's show the end result (less the three missing bird's) and a close up of the rook, whose huge beak won't be causing any problems in future.

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You are an early bird !! well done, real pity you are working this weekend



I believe that to get a good bag, it's best to arrive as early as possible,sometimes before first light. This field I shoot on is excellent, because the bird's come off the roost, and fly up the field towards their feeding grounds. The best I've ever had on this same spot is 128 crows/Jackdaw's in 3 hours.

And yes, it is a shame I'm in work this weekend David, as it would have been good to meet up with you when you come down to Wales.

Perhap's next time?



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