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Crow v Pigeon

henry d

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I nearly crashed into the back of another car earlier this week as I was taken aback by something I have never seen before.

I was driving along a main road in town,when I saw a woodpigeon darting like it was being attacked.Naturally I looked expecting to see a raptor,but it was a crow which swooped up to a lamp post(it was now that I noticed the car in front getting too close).

As my pulse rate raced and the traffic had stopped I looked up to the crow and saw it had a pair of tail feathers in it`s beak.

The crow must have had a go as it had the feathers by the base,I just wanted to ask if anyone has seen this before?

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What a coincidence, this happened to me today and just as I saw it, I noticed this blaming idiot driving straight at me down the middle of the road !!!!!!

Was that you ?? :rolleyes: :o :D


I have seen herons, owls , seagulls, and various birds of prey chased by a crow, or a few rooks, so why not a pigeon.

It does make you wonder why. ???

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I know this is a bit off subject but (just as :rolleyes: bizzare) last night I was out with my dog and a big torch (as you do) and I came across a string of rabbit catch cages, one of them had a live rabbit in it ...... and a fox!! I took a 'photo. Has anyone seen that combination before!!!!




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i have noted at some birds will attack other things :o

but what really p*ssed me off is you spead time to set out your coys and then some bl**dy pideon comes down with some of his mates and ******* it all up and this seems to happen every time i go out with the coys

i get fed-up with running in and out the hide allday long just to keep them away :D???:beer::lol:

anyone have the same prob?:lol::rolleyes:

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Maggot were the rabbit and the fox in the same cage :lol::)


Ive seen foxes in larson traps before. As well as partridges in them, pheasants too.

so far this year our Larsens have caught a fox and a buzzard :oops:


one of course was released the other wasn't

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Had crows try and attack my racing pigeons as they sit on the loft roof......and I seen them attacking and pulling the mangy eyes out of rabbits in the late stages of mixy, as they try helplessly to run away.


Once heard of crow caving a peregrines dome in; as it sat on a freshley killed rabbit it had caught. The Crow waddled over, dropped the Geordie on the raptor, and killed it instantly.....................How true that was I do not know..

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