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Maximover sticks

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UK shootwarehouse have these in. Anyone tried them? I find that the standard sticks don't get much movement even in a strong wind.

Yes I have and they move very well indeed, especially when positioned very slightly across the wind.


Be careful putting them into hard soils and when pulling them out though, only grab the bottom of the stick.

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New Maxi Mover Pegs for Shell Decoys,work very well too well really on a windy day ,as the shell is what looks like its pecking its showing its under body for the pigeon to see it looks great side or head on but **** fron behind ,i will try and push it more in to the ground next time but dont think it will make that much differance ,may try the first hole as well so it looks more like they are just standing insted of pecking ..its a pity they dont do them for the full decks ??or do they ,i will buy some if they do ,im still glad iv got them :)

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For quality movement in your decoy pattern, one of the best things to use instead of sticks/wobblers or whatever you wish to call them is that thin metal banding/packaging strip.

Cut it to the correct length and stick your shells on it and away you go. The 25mm is the best width to use as it is more sturdy and has the correct springiness (if thats the correct word).


Hope you find this idea ok lads. It works for me, and it relatively cheap if not free :):oops::lol:

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For quality movement in your decoy pattern, one of the best things to use instead of sticks/wobblers or whatever you wish to call them is that thin metal banding/packaging strip.

Cut it to the correct length and stick your shells on it and away you go. The 25mm is the best width to use as it is more sturdy and has the correct springiness (if thats the correct word).


Hope you find this idea ok lads. It works for me, and it relatively cheap if not free :):oops::lol:

Not sure what you mean exactly. Where can I get these strips from?


Markbivvy would be proud of you though.

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I should have added, with the shootwarehouse maximovers you could do with a slot in the middle of the deek, as sometimes the one and the front makes the bird tip up, and the one at the back makes the deek tip down - which can be a pain in the aris

All mine have two slots in them Stuart, are yours old ones?







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.its a pity they dont do them for the full decks ??or do they


The ones I got came with some instructions that show you where to make extra slots in the deeks . I used a knife for this and use a full bodied plastic crow deek on one of the sticks , though you have to balance it right to get the correct movement . The rest I use on shell decoys and find if you slide the steel in different positions it alters how much they rock in the wind , so if it is real windy you can alter them so they dont rock about too much .




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there seem to be two styles available on the (legit) market and nobody I've met knows how to set them correctly BUT if you read the instructions they work just fine. No better than fine they work b***** well. In strong winds you need to get them low otherwise the deeks move too much and look like they've got severe parkinsons :lol:

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