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Breastfeeding leads to better behaviour in children, researchers claim


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Breast feeding is all well and good if the child takes to it, I know it was one of the biggest things that annoyed me and my wife at the time our son was born as it just didn't happen, but the pressure put on you by staff to breast feed was ridiculous, to the point where my wife ended up in tears (they are a bit hormonal at that time.. :oops: )


From what I read on the net and in books we had and most midwifes I have spoken to say the colostrom feed (the first one basically) is the important bit but it is not at all the end of the world if a child doesn't breast feed, our son got one feed and then onto bottles and it was such a weight off our minds when we eventually said to the nursing staff to stop bringing it up every 5 minutes.


One of our familiy is a Doctor in the labs at a very good hospital and he had said there was no clear cut evidence to point that either was better, just what may be better for you.


Do I think that breast feeding changed behaviour? no, I don't, it may change attitude towards a mother through bonding but even this I doubt.


What I would say is that any new parents - breast feed if you can but it's not the end of the world if you can't.





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Proper parenting regardless of whether kids were breast fed or not, is the key, imo. Can't stand those who have all the theories in the world as to why their kids have behavioral problems when in reality the poor kids have been 'dragged up'. Not saying parenting is an exact science and that a kid from good parents can't turn out wrong.

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My wife decided to bottle feed both my boys,and they have turned into 6'well behaved,and bright young men.

When she had my second son she was pestered in hospital,and this continued when the midwife visited,the midwife had a vicious tongue on her and spouted out a load of tripe about how my son would have all sorts wrong with him,and would not be that intelligent,my wife calmly stood up and told the midwife to get out and never come back,the midwife was so shocked at this she left without a word and that was the last we saw of her.


My son who should be sub normal according to the mid wife, is now very fit and healthy,was the top of his school in the exam table for gcse,and is doing 4 a levels,and his teachers are predicting a* results.


You have to do as a mother what you feel is right for your child,and if you don't want to breast feed then you don't have to.

Some of our friends breast fed their kids for about a year each,but have fed their kids on junk food ever since,and their kids look pasty,overweight and have complexions like the moon.


I firmly believe what you feed your kids over a lifetime is what is important,good fresh food,and a good variety of food.

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IS it feeding from the breast? or having mothers milk? Some mothers express, then feed it later or express for others to feed it to the child. Seen meet the parents? with the strap on milk bar? would that with breast milk have the same effect (or is it so weird it would scar the kid for life?

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IS it feeding from the breast? or having mothers milk? Some mothers express, then feed it later or express for others to feed it to the child. Seen meet the parents? with the strap on milk bar? would that with breast milk have the same effect (or is it so weird it would scar the kid for life?





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I'm all for breastfeeding but if it just doesn't work out for some, if a baby isn't putting on

weight and the mother's being run down from a lack of sleep then surely a bottle will do

more good than harm?



Our daughter got bronchialitis at ~5 months and spent a night in hospital. My wife was planning

on returning to work so we'd been moving to bottles from ~4 months.

One thing that struck me was that _every_ baby on the ward was being bottle fed.




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Guest gloker

My 2p for what it's worth. My wife bottle fed my son despite what the midwife Nazis said! We have been blessed with a well adjusted, well behaved, intelligent little lad who is completely healthy and 'normal' in every way. Our neighbour who is a slightly neurotic schoolteacher, breastfed her son (two months older than ours) and was very vocal about it, being quite judgemental about the subject! Her son is a whingy,whiney little ratbag, they still have sleepless nights, struggle with his behaviour and feeding. I think the 'evidence' is dubious, biased toward breast and even commissioned by pro breast advocates. My personal experience is quite the opposite. I completely see the medical advantage of a colostrum feed but my son is living proof that breastmilk isn't the only way!

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The reason why that study showed better behaviour in breast-fed babies was that more mature, middle-class mothers (often with just one child) almost always breast feed. It's a socio-economic thing basically. Most chavs (who by some baffling coincidence tend to have more unruly kids....) don't BF, not sure why, maybe because they want to get back on the cider and fags ASAP. :rolleyes:

Edited by Thunderbird
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Our neighbour who is a slightly neurotic schoolteacher, breastfed her son (two months older than ours) and was very vocal about it, being quite judgemental about the subject! Her son is a whingy,whiney little ratbag, they still have sleepless nights, struggle with his behaviour and feeding.


I guess if the parent is slightly neurotic then it may well transfer to the child, if you're normal and relaxed then probably so will the child regardless of what it was fed.

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