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More along the lines of, Good afternoon, I feel excessive recoil and discomfort with my gun with 30+ gram cartridges. After speaking to a few friends I was advised to get my gun fit checked. Could you please advise me on what might need changing and, if it fits correctly, do you sell a smaller payload cartridge that would be suitable for pigeon shooting.

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Can you video the response Beretta its going to be a classic mix of confusion and are you for real :oops:


It'll be something along the lines of


BI:- There is something wrong with my weapon


GS:- Oh really whats it doing


BI:- It recoils


GS:- Is that when you pull the trigger?


BI:- Ah thats it thats exactly when it does it.


GS:- They usually do :rolleyes:


That did make me laugh though, lol. Good effort.

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A lot has to do with the choice of powder they use in the cartridge. Really fast powders do kick and feel harsh but they can get away with around 18grains of the stuff. Slower burning powders are much smoother but they have to use about 24 grains so they go for a cost saving of 25% on the powder and your shouder pays the price.


Cheaper cartridges are cheap for a reason. Try some more expensive cartridges.

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(Edit): Cheers Vince, what cartridge would you recommend? Price doesn't really bother me within reason(not to up for paying High Density prices).


i would try a few different types and see what you like. if you can get hold of box of Eley or Hull cartridges they are usually a good place to start but its more a case of whats available.

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Guest cookoff013

A lot has to do with the choice of powder they use in the cartridge. Really fast powders do kick and feel harsh but they can get away with around 18grains of the stuff. Slower burning powders are much smoother but they have to use about 24 grains so they go for a cost saving of 25% on the powder and your shouder pays the price.

Cheaper cartridges are cheap for a reason. Try some more expensive cartridges.


true, cartridge manufacturers use the faster powders because they dont need much powder, and faster powder is usually cheaper, and faster powders keep the pressure up for clean burn, better pressure regulation, and low speed variance.


shot speed does make it recoil more. it is more noticable in the 1oz and more payloads.


cheap powder is cheap per kg, but in some cartridges more per shot. GM3 is a wonderful powder, it meters great, with some good recipes out there.

but it is a filthy powder.


it meters better than vectan AS so i think, is slightly better from a manufacturers point of view. although AS has a slightly larger range.

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I've recently been given a small plot of land to shoot pigeon on (58 acers)so took them to the clay ground to try out prior to taking them onto the field. If I don't get on with them I will use the 7.5 28g


Well get out and shoot some bloody pigeons then.


It's no good dry mounting in your bedroom, faffing about at clay grounds and asking questions on here.


All your questions will be answered when you finally pull the trigger on your first pigeon.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with that load and it will kill birds all day long. Forget the amateur ballistics, get out and shoot the damn things.

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Hmmm, Yea your right. I'll just see how they go, I was just curious about the recoil but I guess It's a case of getting use to it as I've been using light very low recoiling clay carts for a long time. I just wanted to see how I got on with them at the clay grounds making sure I could hit with them. My scores have gone down big time but I put that down to the extra recoil where as my clay carts are like firing an air rifle recoil wise in comparrison. Going from 40's out of 50 to 30's out of 50 was pretty suprising though...

Edited by Beretta Italy
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Hmmm, Yea your right. I'll just see how they go, I was just curious about the recoil but I guess It's a case of getting use to it as I've been using light very low recoiling clay carts for a long time. I just wanted to see how I got on with them at the clay grounds making sure I could hit with them. My scores have gone down big time but I put that down to the extra recoil where as my clay carts are like firing an air rifle recoil wise in comparrison. Going from 40's out of 50 to 30's out of 50 was pretty suprising though...


Man up wet pants :rolleyes:


40 ex 50 down to 30 ex 50 :hmm: nothing to do with cartridges mate, its your beginners luck running out :yes:



I will mention this though, the fiber wad clear pigeons do, quite noticeably, kick harder than the plastic wad version :yes:



As has been said, if it hurts;


1) ya gun dont fit.


2) your a wuss.

Edited by chrispti
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My scores have gone down big time but I put that down to the extra recoil where as my clay carts are like firing an air rifle recoil wise in comparrison. Going from 40's out of 50 to 30's out of 50 was pretty suprising though...


That's nothing to do with using a 'bigger' cartridge. The shot will have already left the barrel before there's any muzzle flip.

More likely you're anticipating heavier recoil and not concentrating 100% on the target.


I guarantee if you lock onto the target and focus on it, forgetting everything else, you'll hardly notice the recoil.


Shoot a static target like a pattern plate and you'll see what I mean. Even using a 21g cartridge you'll feel recoil. :yes:

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Shooting Pigeons is different to shooting clays.... Pigeons are a much more reflex thing, shooting as you rise from a sitting position , while walking, crouching whatever... not the stand in a box, call the bird and get cumfy type of thing. Concentrate on the bird and you wont notice the bloody recoil....

And yes fiber wads tend to be harder on the shoulder than plastic, but unless you shoot at a couple of hundred pigeons in a session you wont notice it.



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