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100+ On new farm


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Got a call last night from 1 of my farmers telling me the next farm over will be calling me as got problem with pigeons ,not 10 mins later the farmer rang and asked me to meet him today .

So at 12.30 i met him and after a chat he showed me around the land (well some of it ) he then took me to a field of swathed rape he had seen 1000s of birds on that morning and left me to it . The problem i was facing is the field was a huge field (167acres) the biggest ive ever tried to cover myself ,anyway chose the far end under a sitty tree .Walked all my gear over then saw i could of got the truck there :oops: setup with 12 shells on the swath and the rotary to my left 10 yards out and had birds coming in before i was ready but after 15 mins the size of the field became a problem with them landing in the middle and the other end .

Sat it out and was about to packup at 4.30pm when 2 came in and so it started with a few birds coming in every few mins had a few hot barrel moments but had to packup at 6.30pm as was out of carts :oops:


good day in the end and a new permission to boot


Final tally 127 picked 12 lost in wheat behind (camra was flat but got a pic from the chiller )


Edited by proTOM1
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