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Thanking your permissions

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Hi all, Iv recently got my first permission; and was just wondering how often do you thank your permissions with a bottle of something? Is it at Christmas only, once a month? once a quarter? whats the etiquette for us pigeon shooters?


Obviously common sense tells me - use your noddle and keep your farmer sweet, but what do you chaps typically do?


many thanks.

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We have quite a lot of separate farms that border each other . This year we decided to buy them all a case a wine each . They were all well impresssed but most said there is no need because we are doing them a favour controlling the pests and vermin .

Your presence is enough with a wave as you pass the farm house. Unless your farmer hints that he drinks single malt I wouldn't bother . But do offer him some of your freshly gutted spoils

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I help out at shearing time and whenever they need help shifting the flock or herd between farms.

My farmers don't drink much, or eat rabbit, so manpower, fence fixing and keeping an eye open for problems with stock, closing gates that walkers have left open etc. is my way of saying thanks. I think they dread seeing me sometimes as I usually have to tell them about stuff they don't want to hear about. :lol:

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Offering, or just dropping off some crowned birds, plums, cherries and apples from my trees, not only to the Farmer, but also to the farm workers ( a mine of information).

I make sure I bump into them about once a week, however briefly, to keep up with whats going on and the exchange of a little local gossip.

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Never, i like to think i do a good job, and also like to think my landowners are grateful for what i do pest control wise, i keep getting my permissions slip signed each year and they give me a bottle of something at Christmas and i give them a Christmas card with a message saying i`ll pop round to re-new my permission. If they are happy i`m happy.

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i have 4 farms i shoot on in cumbria that i vist maybe 2-3 time s a year realy realy good places thou ive had 3 ponds made just for my duck shooting for free! i always every time ime home make a point of takeing what ever i can brace of trout pheasants bottle of home made cider just to say thanks i dont do christmass cards cant be ***** with all that

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As well as the usual bottle of something at Christmas I always offer help when it's needed with fencing, harvesting, lambing, calving etc! I have had several occasions when my help has been appreciated with calving at the most inconvenient times like milking time etc. I beleive that offering to help is one of the bast wasy of thanking a farmer.

As well as that I always make a point of picking up carcasses and throwing them on a dung heap (It shows that you "are doing your job") and offering the boned foxes brushes to the farmer and I always make a point of picking up my used cartridges or brass bullet cases as much as possible - to me leaving them on the fields is disrespectful to the farmer and his land!

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