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What's happened to my LR?!?


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I use a CZ style, which has a plastic stock, and it used to touch but it floats now, not that it made any difference.


On the ammo, I did have a bad batch of Eley subs, which gave at least one flier every ten shots, changed back to winnies and no crackers or whizzers since.

For a real ammo test I have a box of RWS, which are very consistent, so any doubts and run five or ten of these through it.

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How old is the gun? check your magazine, is the head of the bullet catching as it's chambered? clean the chamber, clean the action, clean the mag well,clean the magazine, chamber a round, then unchamber it and check the face of the bullet. when did it last have a proper clean? might be too much lead build up in the rifling.

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Colster where did you get te batch from and can you let me know the batch number please?


If you mean the Winnies, I have 4 boxes here, 3 of them came from Websters at Gt. Ellingham (no slur on him as he's a top bloke and already said he will swap them no problem) and the other from Leeds Chimp on here (but I think he bought them from Webster's too), batch number (if it's the number stamped on the flap when you open the box) is 1DEF01, barcode on the boxes is 9 322022 000136(they're all the same) - hope that helps.

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If you mean the Winnies, I have 4 boxes here, 3 of them came from Websters at Gt. Ellingham (no slur on him as he's a top bloke and already said he will swap them no problem) and the other from Leeds Chimp on here (but I think he bought them from Webster's too), batch number (if it's the number stamped on the flap when you open the box) is 1DEF01, barcode on the boxes is 9 322022 000136(they're all the same) - hope that helps.



Thanks thats what i needed, try not to buy that batch now.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a little update as I decided to give Winchesters one more try (again 52yards off a bipod on 4x4 bonnet):




The two groups had a small tweak of the scope inbetween, happy to conclude that it was just a duff batch before.

Edited by Colster
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