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And the squirrels this morning....


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Owner of the woods where we have our syndicate said he was seeing one too many squirrels and asked if I would pop up and see if I could shoot one or two. With our birds being released in two weeks, and corn being very expensive, I went up a 8am. Ended up with 18 squirrels, including a left and right. Also squeaked in two jays on the back of my hand and shot them. Lost three in thick fern cover. One very happy wood owner ;)


Edited by Pykie
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well done

How did you manage to shoot all those squirrels? Were you just stalking or did you shoot them in the dreys?


I stalked them. Summer is great for it because you can hear them chewing bark and see the branches and leaves move when they run. I was able to creep right under most of them, then wait for a telltale sign of a tail or bit of movement to shoot one, then try take anymore as they run off. All shot with a 12 bore Winchester 101 with 7.5 cartridges. I dont shoot the dreys because you dont know what else may be in the drey, if you do kill one in it they may not drop out and I like to keep a confirmed count of kills, and also I find the majority of squirrels live in bolt holes in the trunks of trees anyway. Will be back in a few days to try get a few more. Me and a keeper have had over 130 out of another wood earlier in the year, all with the shotgun or with the .17 as they fed under feeders :good:

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Good shooting Pykie :good:

Just one question,

how do you squeak in jays?

I have seen a a group of at least 6 on my shoot.

Cheers MM


I just get into a place where the jays are and copy their warning screech. It usually makes them come in to see what is happening and what the danger is. Jays seem to have their favourite territories so just sit camouflaged up in the area and start squeaking.

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