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Ear's ringing


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Never used to but the last time I went (3days ago ) I thought I had done some damage. My ears are still ringing now and I went on Thursday :hmm: apparently it's the small hairs in your ears that cause this (can't remember what they are called) but they break when there is a loud noise. I think they can repair themselves but I will be wearing those foam ear defenders when I go pigeon shooting.


Still won't wear any when fowling though it just makes things to difficult, and I only really take a few carts at a time :good:

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I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but all damage to your hearing is PERMANENT! MPK is right, it's the small vibration sensing hairs in your ears that get damaged due to the loud noise, but they don't grow back or fix themselves. Every shot taken without ear defenders makes you a little more deaf. AND you can expect to suffer from tinnitus (constant ringing) in later life. So for goodness sake, protect your lugs!


wiki - hearing loss

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I have had it for quite a few months now after forgetting to put the ear defenders on shooting down a soundproofed tunnel . Think I am stuck with it and the only thing I can do is try to ignore it . Most apparent last thing at night , first thing in morning and all the time between . No such thing as a quiet walk in the fields now . Talk radio helps take the mind off it . Good luck , hope it is temporary .

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Yup, I have a constant ringing - probably caused by years of loud music. Being a drummer didn't help :no: .


Sometimes after a really loud gig (usually Motorhead :blush:) my hearing takes a battering, but that's only once a year.


I always wear Sonic 2 Shooter's Aid plugs when I shoot. Still doesn't help with the dreadful wooooooo or dinggggggg, but it will stop it from getting worse :good: .


Always wear ear protection when you shoot. One day that ringing won't go away and you're stuck with it FOR LIFE!

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You're suffering from acoustic shock, which should fade over a week or so. (I've been there btw)


Don't forget the plugs again!


Lesson learned I used to play the drums as a kid and should have known better. I think I will get some shooters aid sonic plugs. Are these any good ?

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Lesson learned I used to play the drums as a kid and should have known better. I think I will get some shooters aid sonic plugs. Are these any good ?

Mixed reviews, some love them, others say they're too hard to be comfortable. I use "howard leight impact sport's" and find they work very well. Being able to hear the birds come from behind you is always a nice advantage to have :lol:

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Duhhhh !!!! Sorry to 'hear' this but...... what a numpty ! A gun goes off several inches from ear and you don't expect it to have any effect ? ? ...Must be a 'man' thing !


Bit harsh :lol: sexism has no place in modern society. Ask

My wife ....she is in the kitchen ............were she sho...... Woops :lol:

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I have Tinitus and its not nice but If you don't wear ear defenders it will get louder . they did a test on a lady and hers were ringing at 90db. so those that don't wear protection please take note it also drives people to suicide


As a sufferer of Tinitus as well all I can do is echo what everyone else says - WEAR EAR DEFENDERS !

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You don't get (permanent) tinnitus all of a sudden after one days shooting, it's like when you go to a concert and come home with ringing. It fades after a day or two, or more.


that's actually exactly how it happens. one day the ringing just doesn't fade away because the damage is done.

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