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missing pigeons


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Is it just me or does anyone else think that pigeon numbers are down this year,having been out 5 or six times this year with dissapointing bags,i am convinced that the birds are not there,and that a lot died last winter with the very hard weather that lasted so long,also will there be any snipe this year because it completly wiped them out in this area,any thoughts?

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Is it just me or does anyone else think that pigeon numbers are down this year,having been out 5 or six times this year with dissapointing bags,i am convinced that the birds are not there,and that a lot died last winter with the very hard weather that lasted so long,also will there be any snipe this year because it completly wiped them out in this area,any thoughts?

Considering you have only been out a few times, you can't really make such an assumption.

Most pigeon shooters go at least once a week.

I have seen no evidence of a decline in my area. There seem to be more, if anything.

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Very quiet near me. Set up at 8:15 this morning, left at 12:15. Result, two shots, one dead pigeon. In all that time, I didn't think "oh, should have set up over there instead." Everywhere was equally quiet. The only positive points were that the two I shot at flew exactly on the line that I predicted after my recon on Wednesday evening. One of them actually landed in my pattern. And that's an OK average!

I've only been pigeon shooting since March and I've been looking forward to harvest. I've been very disappointed but I've been assuming that my lack of pigeons is down to my lack of field craft and experience. But it does seem that there are very few around. Each day I drive past fields of rape, wheat and barley stubble and I haven't seen any significant pigeon numbers anywhere.


This site seems to be split between people saying "where have all the pigeons gone?" and people saying "plenty round here - more than ever". As I said, I've only been involved since March. Can the "old hands" say whether this argument comes round every year. Or is there actually something odd happening this year?

Edited by WoodyPopper
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Chances are they will be spread out this time of year as they have so much choice to feed from. Unless you have a particularly messy cut or very attractive food source then don't be too concerned if there aren't big numbers visible on the field.


I shot a ton a couple of weeks back on a field that was just under a strong flightline and didn't have ANY birds feeding on it when I arrived.


FM :)

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Shot a few 100+ bags recently, it doesnt appear to have made the smallest dent in the population what so ever :blink:


You just need to drive about and find them, get up early, find a flight line and try to follow them and see where they are feeding :good:



Spot on :yes: did just that this morning follewed the flight from a big wood to the rape they were feeding on and will be on later today for a few with a bit of luck :good:

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Thanks lads for your thoughts,yes Im from Ireland,and Im a farmer,I live,work everyday in the countryside,when I say out a out few times that is 7 or 8,but not only that,everyday Im watching as I move around with my work and Im still concinved that there are smaller numbers around this year,last winter was the coldest winter round here that anyone can remember -20 some nights but along with that it lasted nearly 6weeks,the birds were starving,one of my friends a farmer also told me that he went to one of his rape fields that pigeons were attacking to shoot a few and scare them away,but when he got there he had not got the heart to shoot them,he said that a lot of them could barely fly and it was very evident that they were starving,and he thought it was a fairer to leave them,and now he had as good a yield from that field as it ever did before,also they were very easy targets,no reconn needed,just go to any rape field and they were pouring in,I heard of one group of 3 men shooting 1000 in one day,all these things I think must have factor on numbers now.

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more birds about this year than I have seen in a while, huge amounts in the air at the minute, lots and lots of young birds coming to the deeks, makes me think they have had a spectacularly good breeding year.



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