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how do i shoot with both eyes open!!!

rabbit killer

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ive been shooting for about 4 years now and always shot with one eye closed. its more a habit than anything but recently have been told that i will miss noend by this method. what is the easiest way of getting used to shooting with both eyes open as at the moment i can see the whole side of the gun when i mount it with both eyes? HELP!!!

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You will need to check which is your master eye

I have the same problem that I an right handed but have a left master eye so have to shut my left eye otherwise all I see is the side of the barrels

I have tried the carl bloxham discs to go on your glasses by found they dont work

I dont think by shooting with only 1 eye that it makes much difference

Just make sure your gun us fitted properly


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i have pretty much always shot with one eye shut and i hit 'plenty' (when shooting frm right arm)

it doesnt pose much of a problem for me!


89 out of 100 on the clays this morning with one eye shut :good:

Edited by TJ91
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i have pretty much always shot with one eye shut and i hit 'plenty'

it doesnt pose much of a problem for me!


89 out of 100 on the clays this morning with one eye shut :good:


i am left eye dom but 8 out of 10 times shoot from right handed

although just aswel left handed

Edited by TJ91
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I have developed left eye domonance over the past 3/4 years. Tried shutting left eye but after 30 years of both eyes open couldn't get on with that. I was then told about Browning magic dots, an opaque patch you stick on glasses over left pupil with gun mounted. That works really well for me. Only problem occurs when it rains, take glasses off and squint left eye when mounting gun. Good luck

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I have developed left eye domonance over the past 3/4 years. Tried shutting left eye but after 30 years of both eyes open couldn't get on with that. I was then told about Browning magic dots, an opaque patch you stick on glasses over left pupil with gun mounted. That works really well for me. Only problem occurs when it rains, take glasses off and squint left eye when mounting gun. Good luck


Where can one obtain the magic dots please? :)


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Try an easyhit, it improved my mates shooting dramatically! Think he paid about £18 for the sight.


That'll be the ebay copy version, the Easyhit is about £27-28.


From what I hear the ebay version is OK...I still bought the Easyhit though, was going through a crisis of confidence and even if nothing else it confirmed my eye was lined up along the rib.

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I had been shooting for probably 20 years before I learnt I should have both eyes open. I believe that most right handed folk are left eye dominant, and vice versa, so being able to shoot with both eyes open is not the 'normal' situation. I have to close/squint my left eye, I'll never be a great shot but I knock enough down to keep me interested.

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i have recently realised im left eye dominant (right handed) and have always shot with my left eye closed. have tried both eyes open but get quite bad ghosting of the front bead.so have started shooting left hand (right eye closed) which feels o.k until like yesterday morning when i had a mallard in my sights, only to realise i had put the safety 'on' to fire....doh!! a new gun needed me thinks.

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In pairs for Skeet use the left eye for the high house clay and the right eye for the low house both eye's should be cross-eyed at the centre post


For sporting do the same left-right crosser use left eye, right left use left eye, DTL use both


Simples two eye's two targets

Edited by ChrisAsh
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In pairs for Skeet use the left eye for the high house clay and the right eye for the low house both eye's should be cross-eyed at the centre post


For sporting do the same left-right crosser use left eye, right left use left eye, DTL use both


Simples two eye's two targets

:blink: :blink: :blink:


I am left eye dom tried all the dots, spots, fibre beads, then after wasting time and money went to see a decent coach and got told "you need to shoot left handed" so now i do with both eyes open!

Changing shoulder sisnt to bad just takes a bit of time and dedication.

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Saw a very interesting gadget launched at CLA Game Fair. Invented by an Irish chap and has christened it VASS (Variable Adjustable Shotgun Sight) (ww.vass.ire). Slips over the barrel with a left/right dominance correction and up and down tendency correction. The inventor gradually developed left dominance as a right hand shot. The theory looks fine you sight up on the "wing nut" either side of the barrel and in theory Robert Is The Uncle. Can't remember what the retail is, but no damage to the gun so no loss of value by say fitting a canted stock, no hassle with opaque lenses etc.

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In pairs for Skeet use the left eye for the high house clay and the right eye for the low house both eye's should be cross-eyed at the centre post


For sporting do the same left-right crosser use left eye, right left use left eye, DTL use both


Simples two eye's two targets


You are having a laugh aren't you tell me you are taking the p.................

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