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.22RF barrel shortening

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I have a cz452 and am considering getting the barrel shortened and buying a new mod. Not sure how much to shorten it by and what mod to go for.


I use it predominatly for lamping rabbits, and ocassional rough shooting and what it to be as quiet as possible.

I'm also considering having my buying limit lifted from 200 to 500 as my local gun shops are a rip-off so i like to buy bulk further affield. How easy is it to get done?

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I have a cz452 and am considering getting the barrel shortened and buying a new mod. Not sure how much to shorten it by and what mod to go for.


I use it predominatly for lamping rabbits, and ocassional rough shooting and what it to be as quiet as possible.

I'm also considering having my buying limit lifted from 200 to 500 as my local gun shops are a rip-off so i like to buy bulk further affield. How easy is it to get done?


What is wrong with the length and why do you want to shorten it?


If you are using subs then it should be pretty quiet with any mod, if you are not it will be louder, end of!


2001 Home Office Guide for the Police (THE BIBLE)


Chapter 4

4.8 The Bulk purchase of ammunition for the purpose of economy is not acceptable as good reason for possession!


Good luck! :good:

Edited by Dekers
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A .22lr will burn all the powder in a subsonic round within 14inchs so you could take it down to that. I have a cz varmint with a 16inch barrel and I must say that the shorter barrel makes life easier when shooting from a vehicle.As for moderators, many out there but the Saks works well.


Ps My firearm dept gave me 500 to buy, 750 to keep from the start due to availabily.

Edited by Redgum
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16 inches seems to be about the norm, just ask for more ammo I have 6000 to keep 5000 to buy, some nights on the golf course we have shot in excess of 200 rabbits do not ask for this amount because you probably wont get it 600 to keep 500 to buy is about the norm





They are some numbers, I do a lot of shooting personally and my allowance is high for all 7 of my FAC tools, but it's not that high, because I don't need it that high.


I am also the FAC holder for my Home Office Registered Club, and we have a 5,000 buy/hold for each calibre, including 7mm Rem Mag.............but we can't afford that many!! :no::no::lol::lol:

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I have a cz varmint with a 16inch barrel and I must say that the shorter barrel makes life easier when shooting from a vehicle.As for moderators, many out there but the Saks works well.


Ps My firearm dept gave me 500 to buy, 750 to keep from the start due to availabily.


I allways shoot from vechicles when lamping so like yourself i find a shorter barrel is easier.


500 to buy 750 to keep sounds like a goid figure. :)

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I don't use that many rounds with my rimfire (17HMR) so the large amounts of ammunition don't effect me as I have a good local supplier for ammo that I can call on day or night!

As for the barrel length I got my CZ452 in 17HMR cut down from a 20 inch to a 16 inch barrel and had it recrowned and threaded by Dave Mercer for £35.00. If anything it made the rifle much more easy to handle and improved on the accuracy! :good:

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