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Dog cruelty goes viral


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My face book page went mad last night with a video of a couple mistreating their dog.


The usual suppositions and threats were all there and some claims were being made so me being the nosey sod that I am, went to see for myself as it was only 5 minutes away from my home.


When I got there the street was full of a vigilante mob and numerous Police vans and the house mentioned had had its windows put through.


Now personally as a dog owner, I thought the actions of the couple were bang out of order and that something did need to be done but after sitting down and thinking about things it made me think just how easy it is to set someone up if need be.

The families address was published with the video which resulted in him being given a good kicking but my concern here is that the video although genuine could have had a different address put to it by someone who had a grudge resulting in an innocent family being targeted.

In the video, there was clearly a young child in view yet still without thought, the mob descended on this house and beat the man up in front of his kids.


The upshot of it all though is the man has been arrested and the RSPCA have his dog but I cant help wondering which way things are going when within an hour or so of an initial post, a mob has formed without bothering to check the finer details.


Wild west lynch mob mentality.


Story in my local paper and has also made the nationals......and before anyone slates which paper it is, the story printed is as it happened.


Read all about it.

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I agree Billy but it also cowers whenever they go near it.

What has not been printed is that this couple were reported for this many times over a few months but nothing was done so the neighbour published the video out of frustration with the RSPCA


I do believe he got what he deserved but I also still have reservations about how a mob can quickly take its revenge regardless of the true facts being known.

In this case they were true but someone could so easily set someone else up.

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I've just watched it and it is terrible, I really don't understand why people have dogs (and children) when they have absolutely no respect for them and do not know how to treat them.


Getting a dog is far too easy and so is getting rid of them, I don't think dog licenses have any affect, but something needs to be done.

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I hope he got a proper kicking and now he is scared like the poor dog was.


I have to agree it is frightening how something on facebook lead to a mob attack-in this case it was deserved but could easily have been posted with malicious intent.


I could never work for the RSPCA as I would be too likely to lose my temper and seriously hurt some scum bag dog/cat/horse abuser etc.

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I could never work for the RSPCA as I would be too likely to lose my temper and seriously hurt some scum bag dog/cat/horse abuser etc.


Me neither, I couldn't put dozens of healthy animals to sleep every day. Wonder when that poor staffy will be taking the one way walk?

Edited by dazza
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I agree the guy was a scumbag of the first order and deserved the kicking BUT.... why have a judicial system if it's not used. We all agree sentences for this type of cruelty are not strong enough the vote to change it but we cannot go outside the law when it suits us. It has to be applied fairly.


Several of yoi have already highlighted the problem if somone stitches somone up.

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But nothing. He was caught on camera, there is no doubt, he got some of what he deserves, hopefully the courts will dish out some more of what he deserves!



Have to aggree with you, and not only caught on camera he'd been reported to the RSPCA several times too!!

Why do these evil things keep dogs, surely if they don't want the animal they could take it to a rescue place.

Edited by Ratman2
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Supporting mob violence against anyone is simply not acceptable in my mind. Yes, the guy did something horrendous, this is well documented, but it is for the courts and for the law to deal with.

In an ideal Britain I'd love to agree with you, unfortunately, in our Britain I have a sinking feeling whenever someone talks of justice in a British Court of Law. :no:

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What an absolute oxygen thief. poor little sod looks petrified every time the door opens.

I agree with those that say the 'owner' deserves a good kicking and in this case the video was geniune but it certainly is a dangerous state of affairs when you can get a good shoeing as easy as attaching your address onto a video which isnt of you.

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Makes you wonder how they treat the kid.


What angers folk is that there just no need for it, don't have the dog in the first place or if it gets too much, take it to a rescue centre. I think it's a terrible shame...a shame he got off so lightly.


I've a feeling unless they give that lowlife coward police protection 24/7 he'll be in for another slapping before too long. :yes::good:


Absolutely heartbreaking. I know cleethorpes really well, got lots of family there and that street looks familiar :hmm:


It's Stanley Street mate, just read about it on BT News :):)

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This is the problem with Bull terriers they are becoming what is known as a status dog, the problem is the people who buy them as a status dog are the last people you would want to own an animal. I was talking to someone a few weekends ago who had a bull terrier and used to breed them she mentioned over 50% of the people who come to buy them she would not sell them to because she could just tell what they were like from first impressions. She had always had bull terriers and loved them to bits the ones she has always had were loving dogs and pretty lazy dogs really.


As much as I agree with the problems of facebook the fact this blokes face is on the video means there is little chance of getting the wrong person, the British justice system is too lenient which i why we have low lifes like this actually starting to become a bigger part in society. Although not a fan of mob rule i cant help but think if this happened a little bit more often then these supposedly big men (and women) would start to think about their actions. I know i would be involved if it was closer and have no problems admitting that as cant stand animal/child unjust cruelty. As for the little boy he was going to grow up thinking that what happened was acceptable and actually enjoyable as he did it with his dad, the fact he saw his dad get the kicking for what he did was a good thing as he realised how social unacceptable it was and may grow up not to be the low life tow rag he was going to with a father like that.

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