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Iran and Israel .


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Even though Israel is playing it down , I have felt for a while that these two big dogs on the block are on collision course . Israel would never tolerate a nuclear armed Iran , who , since Saddam went have been unopposed in the region .

I do not think the UK has anything to take to such a party but even as bystanders , the fallout could be serious .

Anyone else think that Bushehr is going to get it ?

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Seeing as Imadinnerjacket has stated he would like to see Israel wiped off the face of the earth, taking an uneducated guess I'd think Iran could be turned to glass in the near future. I'm not jewish but I have the utmost respect for Israel, they don't take **** from anyone.

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Best article I have read on the situation I think (hope). Avnery is one hell of a man. Former Israeli commando turned politician he has been at the centre of politics there since the 40's. Friends of both Sharon and Arafat, he should know his stuff.



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Wait until after Christmas . The Americans are pulling out of Iraq and the whitehouse has uncovered an Iranian plot to bomb embassy's in America . I think we can expect the states to take some very serious military action against Iran early next year .


Harnser .

well they and we do have seasoned,battle hardend experienced and theatre trained troops now,there will never be a better time to go into iran than 2012.........
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+1 beggars belief really


Same as that. They're all a bunch of **** stirring sabre rattlers. Bored of it. Either has the the power to offer the olive branch but neither wants to loose face. Pathetic.


Our military operations over the past 10 years have done more to promote nuclear weapons than anything else. If Saddam or Gaddafi had them they wouldn't have been invaded. North Korea is as safe as houses due to their arsenal. The irony is lost on those **** wits that try and achieve world peace through war. Gets right on my tits. I'm no mung bean eating tree hugger, I just think the world would be a better place if everybody respected each other and chilled the funk out.

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Israel would expect an attack from Iran - Iran has said it would like to see Israel eradicated.

Would you wait until maybe 400K of your people are evaporated ?

The conflict between the two is inevitable I believe, the form it might take isnt. There is still an opportunity for the Arab league to intercede and establish themselves as a force for good.

As the israeli opposition leader said tonight - Iran is the worlds problem and I do think the world, not israel alone, will deal with them.

For this small mercy I would be grateful as Israel, acting alone, would set the world alight - Netanyahoo ? is a liar and almost as dangerous and uncompromising as Amaddinnerjacket .


This is not a muslim /christian/infidel thing its a small phsychotic president leading a small but influential group. The religeous leaders in Iran do know that the president is mad and the people are not stupid. If it happens it will be a short conflict but very bloody.

Let us hope the Israelis are as wise as they were in the gulf war !

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Taking the macro view, putting to one side the horrors that would ensue but reflecting on what my grand father and father told me as a child; perhaps a conventional war on a mass scale is just the tonic to get the world economy going again - there again ...


Whilst I agree with concept Ack-Ack, while such polarised differing religious ideologies exist, there is no chance which ultimately means there is no chance.

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It looks like we’ve had our hands in the pot and stirring it up here before.




Overthrowing a democratically elected government. Don’t suppose oil and gas have got anything to do with it?

And weren’t we part of supplying Saddam with chemical weapons to attack Iran with only later to then boot him up the rear because he supposedly had weapons of mass destruction. Tony assured parliament that this was the case and that our destruction was “potentially” only hours away.

Were any weapons of mass destruction’s found in Iraq?

And didn’t the Americans and the French AND don’t forget us (Tony & Gordon went to gaddafi’s tent out in the desert and embraced him as a BROTHER) and as a result of this sold him a load of services and he tortured anyone that we didn’t like

The downside to all of this is that some brave lads of ours have been killed and wounded for what?

So some rich power brokers can play games with the world like a game of Risk!


It all makes what loony David Icke says make a lot of sense.

This video is 32 minutes long. Watch it right through



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Wait until after Christmas . The Americans are pulling out of Iraq and the whitehouse has uncovered an Iranian plot to bomb embassy's in America . I think we can expect the states to take some very serious military action against Iran early next year .


Harnser .


You really believe the Americans :no: they are currently looking for a place to store all the WMD they never found in Iraq, and the sad thing we follow them like the good little poodles we are.

If Israel and Iran want to square up to each other good luck to them


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so does anyone care to name exactly what Iran is guilty off?


They're trying to protect themselves by creating a nuclear deterrent. Whilst the thought of them becoming a nuclear power leaves me cold you can't fault their logic. The biggest worry is if they manage to properly develop the technology and then a few years down the line they have a regime change in circumstances similar to Libya and this tackle vanishes.

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Still waiting for someone to say its all made up and its about the oil.



It's unlikely to be made up but ultimately peace in the middle east is atop the entire western world's 'needs' list.. without it oil supplies will suffer drastically and western civilisation (which is wholly dependant on affordable and abundant oil) will suffer greatly (possibly even crumble)


So.... whether it is by diplomacy, force or iradiation.... the west (in particular the US) MUST ensure the middle east oil reserves remain availble!

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