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Is there a market for once fired

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I would pay for once fired Eley CT 20gauge cases, they're quite hard to come by in volume regularly.


If you said earlier you could have had all my wife's left over ones I just emptied the bin at the outlaws and there would been at least 1000 there.


If I get more CTs I'll pm you but she is trying domes hulls at the mo.

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I'll definately pay for 3" 410's (empties) Anybody got any ?





If you get in touch with John Morrish (www.shotgunreloading.co.uk) then I am positive he will order you some once fired Wincheste/remington or federal cases in at the right money> I have 500 16g once remington STS cases on order as we speak



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I would pay for once fired Eley CT 20gauge cases, they're quite hard to come by in volume regularly.


yesterday at my local clay ground i picked up 55 Winchester AA 20g empties,these are THE BEST for reloading if you or anybody else wants them FOC inc post , pm your postal address :good:

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If anyone can use Eley Fourlong 410 carts I'll save em up. (Dont use many, So don't get excited)

Ohh, and a few 3" Magnums from time to time.



Hi yes please, i'll take as many empty 410s as you or anyone can supply 21/2" & 3" . In return i will supply you with 20g Eley CTC's & Winchester AA or various 28g empties




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