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Price per GALLON not LITRE


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I've always been annoyed at not being able to see petrol prices in gallons anymore. It wouldnt hurt just to put it in small print next to the litre price. Ive always believed it a cynical ploy just to stop people seeing the 'real' price that they can judge and compare with what they have paid before. We all know what eight pints are, we all know what a gallon is and we all know what we paid for petrol in gallons, over the years.


Well for the record i just filled up and it was £6.17p a GALLON of unleaded petrol. This is £1.36 per one of those POXY LITRES.


It doesnt make it any cheaper but it just reinforces the ridiculous price in peoples minds!!

Edited by unapalomablanca
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Every 3 weeks i do a round trip on a fri night to pick up my kids, then return them on a sun evening. 520 miles or there abouts, a tankful, about £80 at the moment.

I am going to have to perhaps alter seeing them to every 4 weeks if the cost of fuel coninues to rise.

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Every 3 weeks i do a round trip on a fri night to pick up my kids, then return them on a sun evening. 520 miles or there abouts, a tankful, about £80 at the moment.

I am going to have to perhaps alter seeing them to every 4 weeks if the cost of fuel coninues to rise.

Well listen to this, i am convinced it will go to a tenner a gallon and my thinking is people will have to start knocking out some of the stuff they dont need, the luxuries if you like. The sky tv, the takeaways, the 2 foreign holidays etc. You can get through this and there are ways. Forget buying new cars and the like, just repair your old car YOURSELF if you can.


£10 a gallon might sound OTT but i remember outrage at £4 a gallon and now its £6.17p and rising fast.

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I'm at present living in sunny Florida and paying around $3.30 for a us gallon.that works out at about 50p a litre.It cost me $40-$50 a week to fill up a 4.7 jeep .Long may it continue

Good on you old son. Stay there and enjoy it. You are living in a great country, a country that knows and cares about what a car means to the average joe!

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UK fuel prices are painfully high but they pretty average compared with the rest of Europe and certainly not the highest. I don't really think the UK government is to blame (I can't believe I'm writing this!), it's OPEC and the huge power that they have that rules the cost of fuel. The US has very low fuel costs which is one of the reasons they use SO much of the worlds fossil fuels and pump huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.


As for gallons/liters, I'm late thirties and I've never used gallons - I didn't even know there were 8 pints a gallon as decimalisation happened in 1971!

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UK fuel prices are painfully high but they pretty average compared with the rest of Europe and certainly not the highest. I don't really think the UK government is to blame (I can't believe I'm writing this!), it's OPEC and the huge power that they have that rules the cost of fuel. The US has very low fuel costs which is one of the reasons they use SO much of the worlds fossil fuels and pump huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.


As for gallons/liters, I'm late thirties and I've never used gallons - I didn't even know there were 8 pints a gallon as decimalisation happened in 1971!

Late thirties and dont know what a gallon is? Never been told or never been curious, i dont believe you! Just one of the smarmy replies you expect on a thread! :no:

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Late thirties and dont know what a gallon is? Never been told or never been curious, i dont believe you! Just one of the smarmy replies you expect on a thread! :no:

Sorry, no offence was meant and it wasn't meant to be smarmy, it's just that I was born after decimalisation and have never used gallons - pounds and pints, yes but not gallons. It's the same with old money, I couldn't tell you how many shillings in a guinea or how many farthings in a pound!

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Sorry, no offence was meant and it wasn't meant to be smarmy, it's just that I was born after decimalisation and have never used gallons - pounds and pints, yes but not gallons. It's the same with old money, I couldn't tell you how many shillings in a guinea or how many farthings in a pound!

Have you ever been to the united states or canada on a flydrive?

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No, I worked abroad for a couple of years on US cruise ships though but I wasn't resonsible for filling the tank.


Have you, in the last 30 years, bought anything by the gallon? I haven't.

Yeh, petrol of course. Its the point im trying to make. Up to 1995 petrol was advertised in price per gallon on all forecourts along with the litre price. Your car speedo is imperial, road signs are all imperial and i bet you talk in 'miles' and not k's. So you see everything to do with car journeys is still imperial so everyone always associated a gallon with motoring. Now i bet when someone asks you about fuel economy you dont say my car does x miles to a litre, you say it does x miles to the gallon dont you! So i think you have had, and have more dealings with a gallon than you claim!

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