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would you say this is good going?

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supose a shoot is only 750chr

its puts down 12,000 pheasant

2000 partidges

1000 duck (yup all them on such a small bit of ground!)

has 27 driven days biggest to date 1342 birds in on day

has around 20 walked up days

puts up with massive disturbance of a full scale christmass tree harvest of 80,000+ trees


and still has a 5 year average return of 64%


your thoughts please

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supose a shoot is only 750chr

its puts down 12,000 pheasant

2000 partidges

1000 duck (yup all them on such a small bit of ground!)

has 27 driven days biggest to date 1342 birds in on day

has around 20 walked up days

puts up with massive disturbance of a full scale christmass tree harvest of 80,000+ trees


and still has a 5 year average return of 64%


your thoughts please

i think your doing bloody well at that mate,the boss moaning again? lol,doe that%include any hens/cocks cought up at end of season?

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i think your doing bloody well at that mate,the boss moaning again? lol,doe that%include any hens/cocks cought up at end of season?

no their extra we normaly get 700 hens and about 500 cocks, the last day of the season all the cocks i se get shot with the .22


i think your doing bloody well at that mate,the boss moaning again? lol

nope ime just trying to figure out my worth :unsure:

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Many reason why you may have good returns. May very well be excellent keepering, alternatively maybe you have an oasis of good habitat surrounded by comparitively barren land which encourages the birds to hold as they have no where else to go. Maybe you shovel thousands of 20 yard high pheasants and semi tame mallard over the line for drive after drive, easy birds and a line of killer guns can make a huge difference to % returns.


Whatever the reasons good luck with your 'show down', as you seem to be gettinga raw deal at the moment.

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Highseas, nobody can doubt that is top notch performance. You could only get better if you were keepering an island miles from anywhere.

Most keepers are lucky to get 50% and on very many commercial shoots 25-30 percent is the norm. Seems to me your boss needs his head examining or he isnt a countryman who knows anything about shooting. If I had a shoot I'd employ you - I like a bit of a rebel !!!

Best regards,


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As already said, great returns.. Good luck with show down, sounds like the more you do, the more they expect, or does the head keeper feel his position is being threatened by you..

unlikely he is leaving at the year end


and er scolpax ime shure the line about 20yard pheasants is in jest,we have some drives hear that have been described as possibly some of the best in scotland!

and no were not a oasis for birds we have comercial shoot on 3 boundries.......



on a brighter note dose any one know the rough wage for underkeepers....and if theirs any jobs going!

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if the keeper is leaving and you know the estate, apply for the job, i did exactly that and went single handed when i was 20

underkeepers wage should be at least minimum wage x40 hrs but shoots can and do take the p as there are always plenty of lads who want to do it,

good luck and if i hear of anything down here i will let you know

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could you not go for his job? how long have you been at the shoot? i know my mates in the midlands area are all around £250-£300 a week with different packages.

ive been hear just over 4 year. and do a lot of it alone ( "dont have a dog then bark myself" ) ime on £130 a week after tax :blink: and ime still in a caravan! long story!

i do need a change,but to where

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I would suggest that an experienced under/beat keeper who is able to produce birds to that standard would be on a minimum of £250+(take home) per week together with a house, vehicle, dog allowance together with gun and ammo costs and other such incidentals. Not forgetting tips in season.


You must be buisy dogging in, I know we are in a situation such as yours.

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ive been hear just over 4 year. and do a lot of it alone ( "dont have a dog then bark myself" ) ime on £130 a week after tax :blink: and ime still in a caravan! long story!

i do need a change,but to where

That wage is shocking mate!


what sort of returns has the shoot had over the last few years and before you started?

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I would suggest that an experienced under/beat keeper who is able to produce birds to that standard would be on a minimum of £250+(take home) per week together with a house, vehicle, dog allowance together with gun and ammo costs and other such incidentals. Not forgetting tips in season.


You must be buisy dogging in, I know we are in a situation such as yours.

er i get the odd bag of dog food, i buy all my own center fire bulets for my own guns the estate rifles only get used for stalking with clients, but i do get all the shells and rimfire on tab.

tips :lol::lol: all ile say on that

dogging in has been a nightmare this year, their is 6 fields of wheat/oats that have nto even been harvested all along one boundry and it been murder keeping the birds in,even the roe have moved out to thease fields.

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That wage is shocking mate!


what sort of returns has the shoot had over the last few years and before you started?

a bit lower but pretty good still around 48-55% but before the current head keeper was heare (6 year back) it was properly bad i have not seen a game book from then but ive heard a 200 bird day would be classed as very good :blink: :blink:


you see getting a job in keepering is easer said that done i know one place that put a ad in shooting times and got over 300 aplicants :blink: every thing from head keepers froced out of a job with 40 years exsperience to lads just leaveing collage :o

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I would surgest you hang fire and dont kick up a fuss,i would ask him of his thoughts of you putting in for his job when he leaves ,he could recomend you to the owner. Am sure at the very least the Headkeeper would give you a good reference. If you did get the headkeepers position you would get tips/perks , house etc. Also you would get a underkeeper.One or two seasons under the belt will look better on the cv,also good exsperience being top dog,before moving on.

Edited by hushpower
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I would surgest you hang fire and dont kick up a fuss,i would ask him of his thoughts of you putting in for his job when he leaves ,he could recomend you to the owner. Am sure at the very least the Headkeeper would give you a good reference. If you did get the headkeepers position you would get tips/perks , house etc. Also you would get a underkeeper.One or two seasons under the belt will look better on the cv,also good exsperience being top dog,before moving on.

just get on and apply for it you have nothing to lose, owners are usually a bit more inclined to employ someone that knows the ground, keep relations good with the outgoing keeper and dont ever be frightened to phone him and ask for advice

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a bit lower but pretty good still around 48-55% but before the current head keeper was heare (6 year back) it was properly bad i have not seen a game book from then but ive heard a 200 bird day would be classed as very good :blink: :blink:


you see getting a job in keepering is easer said that done i know one place that put a ad in shooting times and got over 300 aplicants :blink: every thing from head keepers froced out of a job with 40 years exsperience to lads just leaveing collage :o

it doesnt really matter about the number of applicants for any job especially so with keepering, its more the case of have you proven yourself, my bosses son in law has an estate in herefordshire, the keepers job came up and was advertised in shooting times, they had 74 applicants and interviewed 6 people,

also its never worth applying for jobs on local estates as they tend to share info with each other as to who has applied for what job and are reluctant to nick keepers off thier neighbours estate for fear of upsetting them,

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