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High Winds&Torrential Rain

bullet boy

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well just got in from beach fishing and that was erm...interesting... :sly:


Got the the beach at 2ish ready for a night and an old boy said about the weather...thought he was on a wind up....then came about 8pm and lost the beach shelter when the wind got hold of it..even though it had a load of pebbles on the outside flaps...as I was chasing that down the beach my chair decided to go for a swim!!! Lucky that the wind was across and not behind otherwise would have lost the whole lot to sea.....both said ...forget this lets go home... :lol:

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well just got in from beach fishing and that was erm...interesting... :sly:


Got the the beach at 2ish ready for a night and an old boy said about the weather...thought he was on a wind up....then came about 8pm and lost the beach shelter when the wind got hold of it..even though it had a load of pebbles on the outside flaps...as I was chasing that down the beach my chair decided to go for a swim!!! Lucky that the wind was across and not behind otherwise would have lost the whole lot to sea.....both said ...forget this lets go home... :lol:


Heavens above - do you not get weather forecasts where you are? Even if you cannot understand them, surely you would have listened to the "old boy". It is like amateurs going climbing in the Cairngorms in a blizzard and having to be brought down by Mountain Rescue. At least they did not have to call out the Coastguard and RNLI to rescue you and put other lives at risk.


Next time - think - and LISTEN both to the weather forecast and to local knowledge and thank whatever you believe in that you can return to your family and celebrate Christmas.... safe & sound

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Heavens above - do you not get weather forecasts where you are? Even if you cannot understand them, surely you would have listened to the "old boy". It is like amateurs going climbing in the Cairngorms in a blizzard and having to be brought down by Mountain Rescue. At least they did not have to call out the Coastguard and RNLI to rescue you and put other lives at risk.


Next time - think - and LISTEN both to the weather forecast and to local knowledge and thank whatever you believe in that you can return to your family and celebrate Christmas.... safe & sound


erm.... :lol:

Checked the weather forecast yesterday and did not look that bad... :good: and it just turned in less than 15 mins tho but was still fishable but we gave it up as a bad job..as we left there were 2 other lights that we could see still on the beach... :o

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Huge rumbling, wind picked up even more - then the hailstones 'decended with vigour' (can't offend the swear police), which in turn freaked the kids. 30 minutes later and mixed skies with clouds really scudding across.


It's all a bit of a downer really as I have just had a new bit of land cleared. :angry:


Bullet Boy: can you not just close the windows?

Edited by Alpha Mule
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Very sporadic here. It's going from light breeze / sunshine, to gales with sheets of hails, totally overcast and dark.


BB, sounds like you are having some real 'fun' there. Is it cracks/splits? I have some 'paint on' fibreglass stuff that sets in the rain and is brilliant for small repairs. Will get you details if required.

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We had a new indoor water feature last night which was interesting (prevailing wind blows directly at the back of my house (unchecked) so the rain was fairly pummelling the house).


Sat in nice warm office watching people fighting through the rain, ok at the moment but this morning the skies went black and we had a pretty decent hail storm. Not sure what we're due tonight, it's supposed to get worse.

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Leeds chimp and myself were on the beach last night doing a bit of fishing , lovely when we got there a cod for me first cast and everything looking rosie, breeze started picking up a little but I had another couple of codling and it was turning into a great session , but the wind got stronger and stronger and swung round till it was coming straight down the beach , started lashing it down too , then Leeds shelter took off so he jumped of his chair to go after it and his chair launched itself into the sea ! :lol: ,so we were running down the beach like a couple of mad men trying to retrieve it , got so bad we had to call it a night as things were getting dangerous :angry:

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Leeds chimp and myself were on the beach last night doing a bit of fishing , lovely when we got there a cod for me first cast and everything looking rosie, breeze started picking up a little but I had another couple of codling and it was turning into a great session , but the wind got stronger and stronger and swung round till it was coming straight down the beach , started lashing it down too , then Leeds shelter took off so he jumped of his chair to go after it and his chair launched itself into the sea ! :lol: ,so we were running down the beach like a couple of mad men trying to retrieve it , got so bad we had to call it a night as things were getting dangerous :angry:


and I lost my right hand glove!!!!! :lol: and a bucket :o

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