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Easier to buy bullets than Calpol


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I like this. It sums up labour as a whole

Comment is free facts are sacred. First thing some political types learn is: "If you repeat a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it." said Joseph Goebbels (Hitler's propagandist)


Posted by Sharps on 6 January 2012 at 16:27

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I've just sent 3 'tweets':


I thought it was a Shotgun crime which implies cartridges rather than bullets where the issue ?


Also, does one require a licensing process for Calpol and high levels of security and background checks?


You're point is misleading to a general public which have no perception to the background of what you're saying.

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Someone with and account needs to ask him if he means bullets or cartridges and whether you need a licence to buy calpol or not.


and medical checks maybe someone to countersign there four passport photos for there certificate to legally hold calpol :hmm:

Edited by lewj
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And here gentlemen is one good reason why if you have any interest in shooting or field sports in general never to vote Labour at all in the future. And without wanting to start a political debate on this excellent forum i might add that as the son of a Co Durham miner who was a "True Labour Man" i always up until a few years ago voted Labour as well. Never again though.

I feel that to vote for Labour and them being elected will undoubtedly sound the death knell for shooting in this country but like i say lets not start any political debates. Just my opinion ;)



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anyone on twitter should have a peek at Jamie Reeds account!

Lol Glyn was that your post I saw on twitter and he asking how many can you buy to the nearest 1,000?


If you look at other tweets he says he knows a lot about this sort of thing, so he should know that not everyone with a firearms ticket can buy 1,000's at a time.

What a numpty

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I've never got into the whole Twitter thing and still don't fully understand how it works or what the point is.


However, from what I can glean, Mr. Reed is a massive tool of the highest order - he's seen a bandwagon (of which he knows nothing) and he's just gone ahead and jumped on.


Do any MPs actually step back from their Twitter accounts and sanity check what they have been saying (in their own names)!


I might get all Daily Mail and join Twitter just to give him a piece of my mind... :lol: (yeah, a small piece it would have to be).

Edited by Mungler
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And here gentlemen is one good reason why if you have any interest in shooting or field sports in general never to vote Labour at all in the future. And without wanting to start a political debate on this excellent forum i might add that as the son of a Co Durham miner who was a "True Labour Man" i always up until a few years ago voted Labour as well. Never again though.

I feel that to vote for Labour and them being elected will undoubtedly sound the death knell for shooting in this country but like i say lets not start any political debates. Just my opinion ;)




spot on Pat. This needs to be a separate post and a flag up! Labour will use banning of guns as a vote catcher as most of the proles don't understand what and why the vast majority of sensible gun owners and users want to own guns. But they will still fail to address and control the huge number of illegal firearms!


Even the authoritarian communist states did not ban or control guns to the extent that the PC socialistic wimps do or want to do in this country. Those states had more to fear from an armed population than our state does.


But on the other hand as Chesterton said " our wrath will come after Russia's wrath and our wrath will be the worst!"

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This MP's statement is delibretly misleading and he knows it.When he asks "how many bullets can you buy in one single transaction compared to calpol" the question is actually quite simple,but hidden.Calpol is a medication like asprin which limits the consumer to buying one bottle or pack at a time while ammunition is limited to say 500 rounds-this is what he's getting at.


However,a pharmacist could quite legally order from a wholesaler 500 bottles of calpol because they're licenced and therefore legally entitled to do so-just like im allowed to buy 500 rounds of ammunition at a time because i too am licenced.


This MP isnt a dumb*** and is simply twisting words to suit himself.

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