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Well that's a first for us (slighly graphic)


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Out with Stealth Stalker and the underkeeper last night - SS and UK up top of the fronty and me driving. SS had his .243 for foxes and i had my .17hmr for the bunnies.

All's well and we're 4 foxes down and a good few bunnies with not a single shot missed.

Coming to the end of the night and the last farm and the boys spot a fox out an a field, but it won't come in, so we kill the lamp and drive a bit closer to get a safe shot.

As we hit the light again, it becomes apparent that it's two foxes - a bitch laying down who we couldn't see and a dog sitting up (not that we could tell for sure until after we'd shot - but it explains why he hadn't budged).

So SS says you take the one laying down on the right and i'll take the left - so we did!

SS's dog (Aka Marty Feldman) didn't take too kindly to the .243 between the eyes as you can see....


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Nice Shooting!! me and Raja quite often do the "double whammy" on single foxes.


.243 and hmr ...Simultaneous shot? and if so was there a discernable gap between the thuds? :hmm:


almost simultaneous - i was waiting for SS to count down, but he just fired! so there was a 1/2 second delay or there abouts before i shot.

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