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Scotland to go it alone ?


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I suggest we create jobs for them; digging a BIG canal between them and us. :lol::P


Once the "freedom canal" is finished they can do all the tartan cross dressing they like! :lol: :lol: :lol:


We can set up a "Mexican border" style patrol squad to ensure that they stay in their sacred land.

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Perhaps not but they may well rely on it to power their industry and ecomony.


You misread my earlier post... the most likely scenario is alternatives are found making fossil fuels redundant. Other countries wouldn't at that point need it to function but Scotland would sure miss the money and jobs it was responsible for!

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No-one said it was going to run dry, but the fields in the north sea have peaked... FACT... there fore profitable extraction will become more and more costly and will eventually lead to the industry grinding to a halt.


As you haven't read the whole thing I will, for your benefit, repeat my pearls of wisdom to quantify the oil comments...


One of 2 scenarios is a foregone conclusion for Scotland:


1. Oil becomes too costly to extract pushing already high prices up and within 20-30 years is a non-viable industry, gas will maybe continue for longer but the end result is the same.


2. Alternative energy sources come on stream and demand for hydrocarbons declines or disappears completely..


2 scenarios.... one of which WILL happen in 20,50, 100 years... Fact..


So... Scotland's main income stream peters out and disappears, the industry goes down the pan and hundreds of thousands are put out of work, the knock on effect is that benefits payments and long term unemployment go through the roof causing HUGE additional stress on the public purse.....


You may be pulling plenty of oil out of the ground but it is a documented fact that North Sea reserves have peaked and therefore it's all downhill from here but even if the reserves do last longer than expected due to advancements in extraction technologies at some point soon oil and natural will be... has to be replaced by something else... At that point Scotland would be pretty much ********!


This is only a "Fact" to you chap...the sweet crude was only going to last "a few years" in 1977...:rolleyes: funny how the record volume for exp licenses was only a few years ago and the conservative estimate was the we haven't even touched 50% of the reserve (and that is 50% of the reserves currently viable for production)


every year the "viable production" limit is raised due to new technology and new sources of different hydrocarbons (shale gas/CBM being a good example)


There are enough people on here with oil industry backgrounds to know that your claim of the north sea oil running out soon is drivel...it's a red top/guardian readers fantasy!


But anyway - the oil would be the least of our worries if we start breaking up great Britain...




Edited by gixer1
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Simple fact, Scotland couldn't balance her books.


They want out, well be careful what you wish for...



Look back in history: Scotland has previously bankrupted its self in years gone by.

No lollypops for guessing who bailed them out.


See 1698.




Edited by webber
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Simple fact, Scotland couldn't balance her books.


They want out, well be careful what you wish for...


None of the four can....simple fact ...all have run out of money at some point through history. But then in fairness most countries globally are in the hole!

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This is only a "Fact" to you chap...the sweet crude was only going to last "a few years" in 1977...:rolleyes: funny how the record volume for exp licenses was only a few years ago and the conservative estimate was the we haven't even touched 50% of the reserve (and that is 50% of the reserves currently viable for production)


every year the "viable production" limit is raised due to new technology and new sources of different hydrocarbons (shale gas/CBM being a good example)


There are enough people on here with oil industry backgrounds to know that your claim of the north sea oil running out soon is drivel...it's a red top/guardian readers fantasy!


But anyway - the oil would be the least of our worries if we start breaking up great Britain...





With a response like that it is quite obvious you do not understand what I'm saying or the problem at hand...


No one is saying the oil is going to run dry.. the issue is that of reducing availability (the north sea has peaked in real terms, not in viable production terms, over half of it has gone, that is documented everywhere even by the oil companies) so, the total available amount of oil in the north sea is only going to reduce from here on in and what's left will be increasingly difficult to extract, will be increasingly of a poorer quality and will be increasingly more expensive to get at and refine. Combine that with increasing global demand from the likes of china and india and increasingly difficult extraction (yes, technology is improving but the available amount of oil is still falling) and... over time the cost of getting at the stuff just becomes unviable.


Ask yourself why fuel is so expensive, even though the cost of a barrel has fallen from it's peak... it's because the quality of the crude is falling and therefore refining costs are increasing... it is only going to go one way and that is up..


This however, is not the issue. The entire world knows we need to find alternatives to fossil fuels... that WILL happen... it has to happen because no matter how far you have your head burried in the sand on this subject, oil WILL become too expensive and or difficult to extract and if it doesn't.... it WILL run out at some point in the future. That may be some time off, perhaps not in our liftimes but if something doesn't matter just because you won't be alive to see it then you have a very warped sense of responsibility..


My point is... it doesn't matter whether the oil gets too expensive, runs out or is replaced by something else.. at some point within the next 100 years, probably an awful lot sooner, the oil industry is going to grind to the same kind of halt as the UK coal industry did not too long ago (still plenty of coal in the ground, just not economical to extract and replacements were found!) and at that point Scotland will lose a huge revenue stream and hundreds of thousands will be out of work.


So... unless Scotland is miraculously at the forefront of the replacement technology, it will suffer a mighty economic blow that it will never recover from.


Do you honestly think advancements in technology mean the oil will flow forever ???


Google 'Peak Oil'... plenty of resources out there to give you a better understanding.. gas follows the same curve, it will just take a little longer

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I think the English should vote on whether we want them.


Most of our problems have been caused by MP's with Scottish roots!


Hmm.......the main instigator of this was a certain Mr B Liar followed by Buffoon Broon........I wonder where they came from.


I honestly believe he knew this would be the outcome and his actions amount to treason.

Shame he can't be hung for it anymore.

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Not the best reasons for going it alone.


It all seems to be about breaking away from the English for the sake of it - a touch of the Mel Gibsons.


It's simply been a way of getting people to vote SNP over and over again for years. Once this vote is out of the way what is Salmond going to use for his party manifesto? He'll be relegated to the role that basically has the powers of a Parish Councillor. That's why Salmond and the SNP are cacking themselves over Cmeron's plans :lol:

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