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Its Snow Good

pigeon controller

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Following the snow fall at the weekend we went out on Friday at 08.00 looking for birds. We had seen one rape field the week before which we were hoping to be productive, talking to the farmer he said that they had been on it all week. driving down the field about two hundred flew off in one flock, so we set up and waited. Within ten minutes they all came back in one flock but none decoyed so we shot the tail enders. On this farm he has two rape fields either side of the river. So DB said that he would go to the other rape and spook them back, this he did and managed to shoot a few as well. Out of the forty three that I picked up only three actually decoyed the other came over high. I think they get snow blind and find it difficult to pick up on the decoys.


Saturday found me collecting DB at 08.00 with the temp at Minus 5 so we set out looking. To cut to the chase we set up twice on snowfield rape and twice they just buggerd off. So we found a field free of snow, after seeing the farmer we set up at 14.00 and managed to pick up forty one with the temp rising to a max of minus one. Its my opinion that when we have snow the birds sit in the trees till one drops in then they all drop in so it is very difficult to actually decoy.



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