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Just a short post about pain!! some on here might know what I have been through in the last 3 or 4 years others will not


most women are always moaning that men suffer too much with pain and they dont know what pain is.


Well try this I have had both legs removed below the knee the first one with no pain relief I was hooked up to the morphine drip but the hand controller was not attached properly 2 paracetamol the next day then nothing the next one I did have morphine during the night but soon got rid of it the next morning no paracetamol at all just grin and bear it


Did it stop me shooting NO .


clay shooting deer shooting and foxing


Pain is some thing that can be controlled its mind over matter it can not be removed but can be controlled by positive thinking and doing other things


yes it did bloody sting, and it still hurts now but doesn't stop me working 50 hours a week, the only thing I am not very good at is **** kicking


Deershooter :good::lol:



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no pain killers sounds all a bit medieval to me, where did you get the removed a little shop with a red and white pole outside :lol:


Hats off to you though and think its great you just carried on living your life enjoying the things you do, other people would just come to a complete stop.

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Browning 425 clay hunter

I dont mind talking about it I anm a type one diadetic back in 07 i contracted a bone infection from a cracked heal (yes some thing as simple as a little crack on my foot) this lodged in the bone and made it crumble away


I had one operation to cut a hole in my foot but thourght this photo was just too graphic to post I has 7 weeks in hospital with intervnus antibiotics with no effect I then had 12 months in a AIR CAST boot then finally lost the legin 2008 the infection came back in 20010 in the other foot I then went through every thing again



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I do like some one who can make me laugh. it was laughter and **** taking what got me thtrough this and by the way no I dont have anny slippers for sale :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




:good: :good: :good: Thank God you laughed cause I nearly wet myself :lol: :lol: :lol:


Seriously DS, inspirational! Puts most of the whingeing we hear into context.

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my hat is off to you sir. I too suffer with type 1 and it often scares the hell out off me to think i may lose a limb to it. The way you have just kept goin and more to the point kept shooting just shows me what you can do if you have the correct atitude. Just hope if i ever find myself in the same situation i face it in the way you have.

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Thanks the recovery is well on the way I now walk with no sticks or frame in fact if I were to wear trousers you would not probably know I had lost my legs however mostly I wear shorts as it is quite difficult to take trouseres off and put them back on withy your false legs by wearing shorts you can easely take your legs off with no problem .


Both legs go on at 7am and dont ever come off untill 1130 pm when I go to bed .The main problem is getting a set of legs to fit properly the first set my stumps shrunk quickly so they didnt fit after 7 weeks the next new set have never been right I now have another set being made now



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Well mr deershooter if I had a hat I would take it off to you sir. Ive been feeling pretty down recently as I was made redundant nearly a year ago and am finding it so hard to get back into employment and it's not for the lack off trying it's starting to get me down a bit.



To add to that I've been so skint I can't renew my club membership at the minute and to top it all off on Saturday while driving on the motorway one of my con-rods decided it has had enough of being inside the engine and decided to make a break for it. Unfortunately for it, it only made it half way through the sump.


I don't in any way mean this to sound condescending or disrespectful but my problems seem pretty insignificant compared to the loss of 2 limbs. Respect to you for making the best of it and showing real mental strength in the face of adversity(and a sense if humor) and still getting out doing something you love.


ATB for the future, 425


P.s thanks for the explaination

Edited by Browning 425 clay hunter
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