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How to make a Priest/Cosh


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Hi guys,


Anyone have any experience of making a priest for dispatching wounded quarry such as pigeons and rabbits?, as I don't fancy being nipped by a rabbit whilst trying to break its neck! If anyone could tell me how they did it or point me in the direction of a tutorial then that would be greatly appreciated.




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Get yourself a lathe, and some molten lead and have a ball!



Turn a priest shape, with a very ornate handle, then drill out the end and fill it with moulten lead to weight it down, the you have a priest.



Its easier to man up, its something else to carry.


Couldn't agree more, I was just interested on how to make one if I wanted to for whatever reason.




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i've made a few for mates - using seasoned ash a bit thinner than a 12g cartridge and about 10" in length. drilled one end out (about two inches deep, filled with shot mixed with araldite, to just below the lip, then used the wood shavings mixed with wood glue to bung the end, and make a little dome. once it has all dried out, just round it off with sandpaper, nice coat of linseed oil all over, add a leather loop to one end, job done :good:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've made a few using holly or hazel as the shaft, inserted into a length of hollowed out red deer antler.

The other end of teh antler was filled with som erolled lead flashing and capped off with a piece of buffalo horn.


The tip was sanded and polished with some duraglit.


Rounded off the bottom end of the shaft, drilled a hole through and ran a length of leather thong through.


Nice for the river bank.


For a more down to earth one for bunnies in the long net, as my lad had the same aversion to being nipped, I bought a small rolling pin from Wilkos, sawed about an inch off one end, drilled a hole into the cut end to about 5cm depth, with a 20mm spade bit. Filled it with rolled flashing and araldited the off cut piece back onto the cut end. He wa sstilla bit timid then. Now he's 16 got a girlfriend, discovered cider and beer and isn't interesting in coming rabbiting with his Dad, but I don't think it's because he's wrooied about being bitten. :-)

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For a cheap version, get a length of copper plumbing pipe, whatever dia you want. Heat and flatten one end together, you can drill a hole through later on for a key ring etc. Melt some lead and fill the pipe. Make sure you heat the pipe too before pouring in the lead. When done, polish up the pipe, Job done.




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I use a piece of wood from an old stool leg. I cut the leg to the length required, drilled a hole in one end, and fitted a very heavy steel bolt, mixed with Araldite. I fitted a strap on the other end and wrapped red insulation tape around it, as I'm always losing it in the field. It works a treat, and not one Corvid has complained yet! :good:

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I use a cricket bat and aim to get the rabbit close to the car to save me carrying it. If it touches the ground before it reaches the car it counts as four, if not it's a six. If a fox catches it your out and have to go home.


Or I use a broken ratchet handle.

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