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Last Nights Rabbits

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I met up with Fellow PW member Pin last night to try & sort out some of the bunnys over the sportsground.


As Deadeye Ive has predicted these bunnys are wiseing up to the Landy & my tactics of driving straight up to them & knocking them over 1 by 1 :lol:


So I was driving around with Pin in the back looking out for them, they're starting to run for cover as soon as I drive in to the field. So I pulled up along a hedge where I know there will be a few sitting the other side.


We both got out & positioned ourselves, sniping through the hedge. There was 3 sat out of range of both of us. Me with the AA s410 xtra fac & Pin with his legal limit AA s410 TDR, then taking the both of us by surprise one scooted across us 20yds away. I motioned for Pin to take him out. Dohhh!! safety on, bunny off :lol:


We then moved off to the compost heap where there's a few about, I took a couple that were out of range of Pin, only retreived one though , the other was lost in nettles :lol:


Then things were spoilt by a dog walker. So I decided to move to a different area where I was confident Pin could get some action & see some of "these rabbits" that I've been harping on about. On the way there Pin got a chance at a young un that he head shot at about 25 yds.


I told Pin to get ready before I turned a corner because I knew there would be a few of em out feeding, as I turned the corner all I heard in the back was **** me I've never seen so many rabbits:lol: as a rolling carpet of rabbits ran for cover in every direction.


We got into position pointing Pin in one direction & me in the other. Within minutes I looked back to see Pin lining up Blacky :lol: No not him I said. I've grown attached to this one & it takes a lot to spook him I've even had to stop the Landy on one occasion to let him pass. :lol:


We then started picking them off as thay came back out to feed. Pin taking a great shot at one that was out of range of his rifle so I handed him mine. One particular shot I was pleased with was one taken off the left shoulder. A first for me :good:


We were then treated to a sight I've never seen before, seven baby bunnys march out of a burrow with a young doe and feed in front of us 25 yds away. A lovely sight that we watched until they'd had their fill. Neither of us could even contemplate pulling the trigger.


We ended the night with 14 in the bag and at least 5 lost in nettles, bracken or burrows :/




It was great meeting up with another PW member & sharing in the sport that we both enjoy.

Nice meeting you PIN we'll have to do it again .




Stealth Stalker

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Well done :lol: A good night had by all. It's funny how you become "attached" to some of the *******. There's a hare on my permission that always sits in the same place. He lets me get fairly near then lollops off, scaring all the bloody rabbits :good: I can't bring myself round to shooting the sod though, (nor any other hares for that matter :lol: ).



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Top night, and kind words in the write up Stealth mate, I was having a shocker!


Mrs Pin, who's a veggie, wasn't too happy about the dismembered rabbits, it was so late when I got back after skinning them I couldn't keep my eyes open so the furry bits ended up in the bin :lol::lol::lol:


Still, despite keeping them herself, and being pretty anti shooting, she is absolutely fine with me doing it as long as whats shot goes in the pot - which is never a problem!


The young doe and the babies were a real treat too see, I think we must have watched mesmerised for half an hour as she fed them right out in the open with us sat not 30 yards away.


Thanks Stealth mate, nice to meet you and have a crack - great permission you have there :good:

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:lol: Good shooting fellas, that TDR looks tiny.


It really is very small. At the time I got it I didn't know how the relatively newly aquired Mrs Pin would react so I wanted something I could stash easily :good:


What last night did show was just how much I now want to get my FAC app in :lol: Apparently you can fit the carbine cylnder and then FAC it but I can't see the point of all that hassle, really liked the 410 Xtra FAC. If it has a fault (apart from the operator lol) its too light :lol:

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Nice looking rifles guys - I really, really like that TDR :lol:


How much power is it possible to achieve with an FAC s410? Is it variable? Oh, and how many shots can you get before it needs recharging? Sorry for all the questions, but I know absolutely nothing about modern air rifles :good: Been nearly 20 years since I last used one!




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I asked Ben Taylor some questions a while back, some of the same ones you ask.


The TDR is pointless to make into a Firearm, the air cylnder is so small it would be <20 shots. I get about 40-50 shots from a charge, the power curve is quite severe on this gun. Regulated (legal limit) it would have about 80 shots with no power curve and around 11.3ft/lbs.


As for number of shots I am sure Stealth will let you know. The info I got from Ben was :-


" We do the Classic version in regulated FAC form at 25 ft lbs and 50 shots in .22. The E version is 30 ft lbs and 60 shots (no power curve on any regged rifle"


Hope this helps

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The rifle came equipped with the mod its a weird one I've not seen before, kind of attached with a gland nut

pics below




I'm operating from 20 yds out to 50 yds I know its capable of longer kills, but I like to skick within my capabilities. What about yourself?


Its a lovely rifle although a bit on the heavy side. The rimmy hasn't been out in a while.


another pic





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The rifle came equipped with the mod its a weird one I've not seen before, kind of attached with a gland nut

pics below




I'm operating from 20 yds out to 50 yds I know its capable of longer kills, but I like to skick within my capabilities. What about yourself?


Its a lovely rifle although a bit on the heavy side. The rimmy hasn't been out in a while.






Yes I remember the thread concerning your sound Mod ..........I operate between 50 -80yds with the majority being around 60 yds .............I had the .22lr rimmy taken off my ticket and replaced with the HMR :good:

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I reckon it's a good year for Rabbit's in our area, literally hundreds on any grass field and alongside the M10, (plenty of black ones too), roll on harvest time..!!




Yes we should get a good harvest of rabbits this year, hoping mixy stayes away!


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I reckon it's a good year for Rabbit's in our area, literally hundreds on any grass field and alongside the M10, (plenty of black ones too), roll on harvest time..!!






If you want Me & SS to Ferret again this year let me know & we will come over.







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