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Garden shed planning permission ???


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Ok I'm planning a shed in my garden . Timber separate building from house. Height 2.7m width 2.4m length 6m.

Not by roads and in large garden 1/4acre of a 4 bed bungalow.

Do I need planning permission ???

Cheers Will



My advice to you would be to ask your local planning authority otherwise you could be in bother listening to dubious advice. :good:

Unless of course we have qualified planning officers on here that are working with the current Scottish planning regulations :hmm:

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Ok I'm planning a shed in my garden . Timber separate building from house. Height 2.7m width 2.4m length 6m.

Not by roads and in large garden 1/4acre of a 4 bed bungalow.

Do I need planning permission ???

Cheers Will





ive been down this route, and as simple as it seems, it aint simple....everything is governing by a massive 3 volumn bible called the "town and country planning act"...you can do anything you like as long as you adhere to that.....thats what i thought anyway !, i had my architet advise me and it went on the percentage area of your plot....ie: do what you like as long as it dosnt exceed a certain percentage and it dosnt have foundations.......so i put all the uprights in aaaaannnnddd, yup the planning office were around and said it was ileagal, and i had to stop, so i stopped for a day as i had to put 8 dogs and my shed stuff somewhere and continued to build, got more visits and snotty threatning letters, but i got bloody minded as up the road ( this is a triple sssi area !) was an old couple who had 7 B&Q sheds in the garden to store stuff from the church charity stall !!!!.....i pointed this out and i got a letter back saying i could apply for "retrospective planning permission " so i coughed up £163 and got my permission.....if i had been a banker with loads of dough i would have gone to court and contested it, but if you win costs are never awarded against the planning dept you have to foot the costs............


My advice is see what other people have in the area....if you go and see the local planning dept, do not accept what they say is cast in stone, it is far easier for them to say no.......what it all boils down to is Height-area-no concrete foundation-and what the area around you is like ....when you get an agreement get it in writing


let us know how it goes

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Never got to phone the planners today to busy... I'll try tomorrow






in the old days 20years ago if you went to see the planners they would look down their nose at you and never give you an answer, they now have to abide by a "charter" it is not their job to advise you, they like to see a proper presentation by a planning consultant, BUT now they are sort of duty bound to give you an indication of what would be acceptable and what is not acceptable...some of the old planning officers are brass plated ********, but the new generation the youger ones can be very helpful......good luck, never let them know you are as well informed as you are as it will put their backs up...always keep a little back, it is worth remembering that all the council planning officers of old were usually not clever enough to cut it in the private sector as planning consultants, but they weild a lot of power now




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