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I've suffered with hayfever for as long as I can remember. This past few years it seems to have steadily become worse.


I've tried all the usual tablets but still suffer the same, worst part of it quite often is that it affects my eyes to the point it's no longer safe to shoot.


Does anyone have any magic remedies/tips or am I destined to be called a big girls blouse for the rest of my life?

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If really bad i have to use Optrex Clear eyes and cetrazine anti histamines tablets


What ever you do, don't buy them off the shelf, my local Lloyd's Chemist wanted £7.00 for 30, I have a prescription for 30 so thats £7.00+ but you can buy them from behind the counter from the pharmasist off prescription and they are £1.89 for 30 :good:

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I've suffered with Hayfever since I was nipper. There's no need to suffer in silence and, over the counter medicines are fine but, your should really get yourself off to see your doctor - if necessary, they can prescribe something stronger.


For your eyes though, Sodium Cromoglycate eye drops work wonders. The main branded version of which is Opticrom. However, asked for a generic brand as it'll usually be much cheaper.


Antihistamines will help too, once again the main ones are loratadine and cetirizine - often one will work better for you than the other so, give 'em a blast.


For the eye drops and the anti histamines, once you find something that works for you, shop around online for deals... on occassion I've picked up anti histamines at something stupid like 35p per pack of 30 - stock up, they usually have long shelf lives. ;)


...and if you can't get to the doctors for a while you could do worse than get hold of a small bottle of Flixonase at your local chemist. It's a nasal spray which contains Fluticasone Propionate and it works wonders for me - this one is cheaper on prespcription though (bigger bottle).

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I suffer badly with hayfever and order my meds from here at a fraction of retail prices.


Shame their prices went up a little because 2 years ago they were flogging the tablets for 29p per pack...so i ordered 18 packs,but to get around pharmacy regs i had to do two seperate purchases of 9.

Edited by Imperfection
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i tried to buy 3 boxs of morrisons brand piriton and the bitch refused to serve me , suspecting i wanted them for some reason other than hay fever :rolleyes: , but god knows what :hmm: , stupid cow :yes:


I had a similar query (by email) when I put in an order for ten boxes online. When I advised the pharmacist that, my allergy specialist has me on two per day, everyday of the year; well, why would I not want to stock up when the pills were on offer at 35p per pack? 10 months supply for less than my local chemist was charging for a months worth... the pills arrived a couple of days later. I never did find out what illicit use those things might have in high quantities. **** covering is fine but, a little common sense goes a long way.

Edited by Penfolio
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try telfast tablets. theyre on prescription but work really well...


medicinal name is phexophenadine (spelt phonetically) and yes I reasise that is probably not how you spell phoneitcally.... :good:



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I have had it for nearly 39 years, it does get a bit better with age in my case.

Back in the day Piriton used to send me to sleep.

I used to have weeks at a time off school when it was really bad.

I had injections in about 1979 didn't do any good at all, but hopefully they have moved on a bit

I had allergy tests for a persistent cough that I had 12 years ago, I am allergic to Timothy Grass.

Try homopathic tablets if you only have mild symptoms.

When I did farm work in the 80s the farmer gave me a filtered air fed helmet to where, I looked like Neil Armstrong rowing up cut grass/hay!

These days I don't bother, occasionally get some tablets from the supermarket to keep the g/f happy.

A lot of people are starting early this year

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Telfast 120mg are okay but i find the 180mg much better :good: along with Beconase spray when things get bad :yes: Had the jab a couple of times, its very effective but the doc dont like giving it due to it been a steroid :o if i remember correctly i think its called Kenalog :hmm: BB

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I had an injection about an hour ago funnily enough, some sort of steroid that's supposed to make the problem go away for 6 months


We'll see if it works

had same injection for about 5 years in bottom of back .Doctor told me it can weaken back muscles so just take anti histamine now

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I used to have kenalog injections they were like a miracle cure for me but my doctor retired and my new one refused point blank as he said there were serious cases or liver damage .

Most drugs will work but not for ever as you get used to them

I use loretine tablets , get boots own as they are miles cheaper . Flixonase nasal spray and otravine eye drops . Then every day a spoonful of LOCAL honey

As has been said start taking them well before you need them to help get them into you system

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Thanks for all the advice/suggestions guys, some serious food for thought there :good:


I had heard about the 'miracle' injection a couple of years ago but always thought it was a bit of a myth. Will make an appointment at the Docs and see if they are willing to give the injection.


Determined not to let it get in the way of my summer this year.

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Sympathies Oilyrag. Also suffered it all my life, when younger some of the cures were as bad as the condition. A doctor friend advised Beconase nasal spray and eye drops like Opticrom back in the 1970's and life was transformed, I stopped dreading summers!! It does get easier with age - eventually - but try the above - they can be bought over the counter tho' cheaper if you get GP to prescribe. Nothing big girl blouse about it the problem is sheer misery that maybe one has to experience to fully appreciate!

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