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So who thinks we're on for a bumper year?


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Acorns and beechmast in abundance kept the birds away from most decoying situations this winter. It was so mild, the rape got away without much activity on the fields, and they have been breeding round here since late december...might noit even have stopped. Now the rain is keeping us away and there is little on the crop front getting thier attention until the laid.


So am I the only one thinking this could all be good news come june/july? :hmm:

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Acorns and beechmast in abundance kept the birds away from most decoying situations this winter. It was so mild, the rape got away without much activity on the fields, and they have been breeding round here since late december...might noit even have stopped. Now the rain is keeping us away and there is little on the crop front getting thier attention until the laid.


So am I the only one thinking this could all be good news come june/july? :hmm:


Been thinking (hoping) the same mate :yes: Fingers crossed hey :good:

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Acorns and beechmast in abundance kept the birds away from most decoying situations this winter. It was so mild, the rape got away without much activity on the fields, and they have been breeding round here since late december...might noit even have stopped. Now the rain is keeping us away and there is little on the crop front getting thier attention until the laid.


So am I the only one thinking this could all be good news come june/july? :hmm:




Well I believe the acorns will cause just as much complaining as a few months ago….




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Acorns and beechmast in abundance kept the birds away from most decoying situations this winter. It was so mild, the rape got away without much activity on the fields, and they have been breeding round here since late december...might noit even have stopped. Now the rain is keeping us away and there is little on the crop front getting thier attention until the laid.


So am I the only one thinking this could all be good news come june/july? :hmm:

well i,m gonna get a good stock of carts in ready for the summer and and have a few weeks off work booked in advance in mid july, they haven,t been touched on most of our land this winter and not shot heavy on the rest of it so i for one am expecting a few on laid crops and at harvest

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well i,m gonna get a good stock of carts in ready for the summer and and have a few weeks off work booked in advance in mid july, they haven,t been touched on most of our land this winter and not shot heavy on the rest of it so i for one am expecting a few on laid crops and at harvest


Snap :good:

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Hopefully i won't have to wait until harvest to get some good bags. It has been a really slow start to this year, but with quite a few pea fields starting to attract some interest and with plenty more peas still to be drilled, i am hopeful of some good shooting in the coming weeks.

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Hopefully i won't have to wait until harvest to get some good bags. It has been a really slow start to this year, but with quite a few pea fields starting to attract some interest and with plenty more peas still to be drilled, i am hopeful of some good shooting in the coming weeks.


Still waiting for the pea drilling to start! Rain stops play at the moment.

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There may well be a few more pigeon this year but I think it will be down to the fact we had a mild winter. Very little frost and snow which ment the pigeons had an easier time this winter and were less concentrated on the crop in one area.

I seem to shoot about the same number each year give or take a hundred or so

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There may well be a few more pigeon this year but I think it will be down to the fact we had a mild winter. Very little frost and snow which ment the pigeons had an easier time this winter and were less concentrated on the crop in one area.

I seem to shoot about the same number each year give or take a hundred or so




The crops have been pretty much left alone, and because of the mild weather, the birds have been breeding since Janurary down here.


Come harvest time there will be alot of young, and adult birds, that have not been shot at :yes::good:

Edited by chrispti
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If this weather keeps up I very much doubt it will be a bumper year. I have seen dozens of washed out nests with the rain , low temperatures and high winds over the past 6 weeks and high corvide predation due to lack of leaf cover ( leaf burst has yet to happen in N Norfolk with many trees such as ash and alder and even the oaks have less than 20% leaf cover , though the hawthorn is well out).


Across the country tens or possibly hundreds of thousands of early nests may have been lost. I suspect the best we can hope for is an average year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be honest i think so far this year is the worst ive ever known, no quarry of any kind other than the very occasional rabbit and occasional crow. No pigeons, ive only shot about 15-20 tops this year and that was in feb roost shooting ! :( so its currently all clay work !

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It's strange because here is sunny Suffolk (or not so at the mo) I have seen flocks of around 25-30 flying together still when I thought they had all broken up :hmm:

i posted this last week :good: there is a big flock of them still around here 800 to 1200 of them. still flocked up just like winter strange went out to one of my rape fieids friday there is a big area that has been hit hard no flowers cut right down walked them off the very big flock up and gone . got set up they came back bang bang gone acting just like they do in winter :hmm:

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This January was the best I've had since 1975 and February not far behind but March was very average and April and May terrible. There are no birds to be seen flying anywhere and none of the early peas have been touched at all. Talked to the Birds Eye field man and he says it's the same south of the Humber. Each year seems to get more all or nothing in respect of pigeons but as someone said it's surprising how you end up with same amount to within a few hundred each time.

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