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12g for high birds


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what cartridge would you recomend for high birds (pigeons and Crows ) as i have a good flight line but they won't come down to decoy very well. ( there is a safe flat patch out of reach they all go to first).

recomendations please

i've tried eley no 5 on 3/4 but they don't seam to do the trick

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i find a good 6 cartridge will bring them down but sometimes not cleanly. I use gamebore 6's and they dont hit hard at all, not alot of good really, i did however use some Hull three crown 6's (30gram) and they took down everything cleanly. used to express 5's which do the job as well.


if your after just crows, half choke, and 30/32 grams of 5's would be my choice.

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I have started using Hulls and have actually noticed the difference - normally I just get 1000 of whatever is on special.


Hulls - 32g of No. 6 will do the trick for everything and anything in the air.


How long is the barrel on your shotty and have you got a tight choke in?

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I have a friend who shoots very high pheasants in the West Country and he swears by Hull Three Crowns 32gm No 6.


I use Hull Three Crowns 30g No6 for our driven pheasants.

They are a very consistent cartridge and I have never had any problems with them.

Both the 32gm and 30gm are available with fibre wads.

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Sorry to say people but not one person has mentioned how high the birds are.........to some people 30 yds is a high bird to others 60 yds.


sorry my fault i'd say around the 50-55 mark, the odd one a less. might be coking a little too light, might go to full

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Sorry to say people but not one person has mentioned how high the birds are.........to some people 30 yds is a high bird to others 60 yds.


sorry my fault i'd say around the 50-55 mark, the odd one a less. might be coking a little too light, might go to full


At that distance I would stick to full if shooting them. But there again I wouldn't take a shot at that distance normally, I think your pushing it unless you are a very good shot.




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Got given some BB loads by the farmer, put full choke on. that does the trick. they have a nice kick too. not much of the crow left but control is what was required. the patten was very tight might even be able to go back to 3/4 with these.

Had a good afternoon, took 11 out with my rapid first. i don't think they knew what was happening. They all flock off, when drips a drabs flyed back they got the BB


crow body count 20.


quiet happy only shot 11 pellets from the rapid :lol:

10 cartriges..... i'm sure one of the crow was double hard cause the first load hit him. :good:


i think i might look into these bb loads

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Re-read my first post, if you are trying to hit them at 55 yards you will need a huge amount of luck and yes, the pattern will have huge holes in it. With BB's, you're having a laugh in my opinion :good: Yes they will kill 'em if you hit 'em but you may as well go play Blackjack in Vegas if you want good odds.


they worked really well last night maybe my luck was just in (should have gone to the casino last night). Do


you think its just a matter of simple out of range?

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I think so.


Shoot a piece of card or something at that range and count the pellet holes, then look at the gaps, it will illustrate your fears I think.


And to add to that at 55 yards you would need more pellets than at 30 yards due to lack of energy, so at 55 yards you may need 6 or so no6 shot in the main body mass to bring the bird down, now go back to the pattern plate and look at the gaps. going for big shot won't help, you need more shot so you've got to plum for heavy loads and maybe a new shoulder :good::oops:

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funnily enough i shot a few rooks with bb carts this morning , the rooks were dropping into a field where i was having a wander,( i always keep 4 steel carts and 4 bb carts in my belt) , i worked my way through my usual size 6 32 gm carts then the steel carts and finally the bb carts , the first 3 bbs were ok but i missed with the last one (didn't actually miss as it was on the ground but even at approx 25 yrds the shot were too spread out).

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I went through a tricky spell last year shooting crows. I just couldn't drop 'em. I got my confidence back by using Eley Alphamax 5's after a couple of boxes I got my eye in and changed to Hull High Pheasant 6's and carried on killing them stone dead. These birds were what I would call high drifters, they must have been 35-40 yards up. At that range I screwed in a little more choke than normal and used a half and three-quarter. The thing is with crows is they seem to hang in the air and I just reduce the lead and it works a treat for me.

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I went through a tricky spell last year shooting crows. I just couldn't drop 'em. I got my confidence back by using Eley Alphamax 5's after a couple of boxes I got my eye in and changed to Hull High Pheasant 6's and carried on killing them stone dead. These birds were what I would call high drifters, they must have been 35-40 yards up. At that range I screwed in a little more choke than normal and used a half and three-quarter. The thing is with crows is they seem to hang in the air and I just reduce the lead and it works a treat for me.

i hope that works. the far i shoot has been over decoyed and their keep out of range. tried using old CD and the FAC rapid. This seams to be working well. just laid on the banking with hide up. plinking them off. worked a treat.

its my thinking the distance is too far for realativly medium birds. might try some cartridges as sugested a drop my leed a little. il keep you posted

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first off crows are not as tuff as pigeon ,no 6 32g hull will do the job ,your better of going full choke for far birds ,,most of the time if your shooting high birds on say 1/4 choke you are just hiting the wing tips ect ,you only need one of them pellets to hit it in the head to bring it down ,but thats more luck in my books ..1/2 choke to full every time id say ..

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what cartridge would you recomend for high birds (pigeons and Crows ) as i have a good flight line but they won't come down to decoy very well. ( there is a safe flat patch out of reach they all go to first).

recomendations please

i've tried eley no 5 on 3/4 but they don't seam to do the trick

if you ar shooting at anything hover forty yards you AR on the limit, anything further than that will be down to luck, i use 32grams and n0 6s cylinder /quarter.. you should pattern the gun and cartridges on a pattern plate this will confirm what gun choke and lead size needed . you should always think about your quarry to kill not to wound

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