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Abdelbaset al-Megrahi

marlin vs

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Wasn't that nice of the Scottish Government 270 people dead and all their relitaves left to mourn.Good riddance.



I'm sure he wasn't a savoury character, but it's pretty likely he wasn't the one who planted the Lockerby bomb.


The UN observer at his trial was pretty scathing...




"he described the dismissal of the convicted Libyan national’s appeal as a "spectacular miscarriage of justice"".



The criminal thing about this is that the person who _did_ plant the bomb could still be free.




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anyone dying is bad but its an interesting fact, the four tops were in a studio arguing about why they had missed the plane when they got the news. anyway is it not a good thing a few people escaped their deaths i think so then yes i think it would have been worse if these people had also died. dont you agree?

Edited by storme37
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Not Scotlands finest hour - his release, but I have no doubt Gormless Brown was behind it - has the stamp of his unfortunate logic all over it.

I just hope those whose relatives died are given the final satisfaction of knowing who killed their loved ones and seeing him/her die.

Best he's gone for everyone else and himself too probably.

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Not Scotland's finest hour?


I disagree entirely. Scotland has long upheld the principle of releasing, on humane grounds, prisoners who are terminally ill, and I was pleased that Kenny MacAskill did not bend to political pressure to deprive Mr al-Megrahi of the opportunity to return to his family to die.


The release was based on independent medical advice that estimated that Mr al-Megrahi was likely to have no more than three months left to live. The fact that he survived for much longer may well be due to the treatment he received after returning to Libya - treatment that, it seems, is not widely available in Britain.


Vulpicide - I see you refer to Mr macAskill as "Kenny the Alchi". Presumably you are suggesting some kind of alcohol problem. Would you like to apprise us of your reasons? I consider Mr MacAskill to be a decent and sincere man. Yes, I HAVE met him. Have YOU? I think you would do well to put up - or apologise and then shut up.


And Kes - I can't really make out what you are trying to say. Your hope that "those whose relatives died are given the final satisfaction of knowing who killed their loved ones and seeing him/her die" rather suggests that you are not convinced that Mr al-Megrahi was the culprit, yet you go on to say, "Best he's gone for everyone else and himself too probably." Where's the logic in that???


Many innocent people died in the Lockerbie bombing. That is an irrefutable fact. It is also a fact that the subsequent investigation, and the prosecution and conviction of Mr al-Megrahi, has left many people - and I am one of them - far from convinced that justice was served.


Unfortunately, until the truth emerges (and it may never emerge) it is quite likely that the real perpetrators will go unpunished. They will remain concealed and protected by the convoluted commercial and political agendas of some western and Middle eastern countries.

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Megrahi was released on compassionate grounds, on the grounds he had only a few months to live ?.

I believe it was Kelvin Mackenzie that then immediately put a bet on him still being alive one year later. I wonder, did he know something that we did'nt.

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'innocent until proven guilty'.......well he was,and whilst it is massively unlikely he acted alone he acted.

Blowing 270 folk you do not know randomly out of the sky is not my idea of a good bloke.

Don't give me the 'Great humanitarian speech' either.Tony Blair did a deal with Gaddafi over OIL... humanitarian?? No ££££? yes.

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Not Scotland's finest hour?


I disagree entirely. Scotland has long upheld the principle of releasing, on humane grounds, prisoners who are terminally ill, and I was pleased that Kenny MacAskill did not bend to political pressure to deprive Mr al-Megrahi of the opportunity to return to his family to die.


And Kes - I can't really make out what you are trying to say. Your hope that "those whose relatives died are given the final satisfaction of knowing who killed their loved ones and seeing him/her die" rather suggests that you are not convinced that Mr al-Megrahi was the culprit, yet you go on to say, "Best he's gone for everyone else and himself too probably." Where's the logic in that???


Many innocent people died in the Lockerbie bombing. That is an irrefutable fact. It is also a fact that the subsequent investigation, and the prosecution and conviction of Mr al-Megrahi, has left many people - and I am one of them - far from convinced that justice was served.


Unfortunately, until the truth emerges (and it may never emerge) it is quite likely that the real perpetrators will go unpunished. They will remain concealed and protected by the convoluted commercial and political agendas of some western and Middle eastern countries.


There aren't many who think the decision to free al magrahi can be justified on humanitarian grounds - I suggest most people would have opted for the eye for an eye 'principle'. My hope that the relatives find out who killed their loved ones is based on the belief that al magrahi was the monkey not the organ grinder, an essential sacrifice if you like.


I have the utmost respect for the father who 'forgave' the IRA for killing his daughter at the Remebrance day parade in Northern Ireland, I dont have that level of forgiveness in me, nor do very many people.

In the new Libya maybe we will learn who killed Yvonne Fletcher as well as who planned and who else excuted the Lockerbie bombing, oh and maybe we could send our oncologists over there to learn from the obvious world leaders in al magrahis type of cancer care.

Best he died, for the relatives who need someone who was guilty, thats human nature; for himself, as any kind of cancer isnt a stroll in the park in its late stages.

Maybe the Scots should have their independence if your viewpoint is typical of the Scottish national viewpoint. I dont however think you would find many friends north of the border with your views. I happen to have more respect for the Scots and their logic than you as a Scotsman seem to do.


You cant make good malt whisky with your head in the clouds, unless its Dalwhinnie !

Dont bother to reply - I can guess you dont agree.

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Not Scotland's finest hour? MacAskill was lifted of the street pished at a Scotland Game at Wembley and lay in for his own safety now that suggests to me an alchahol problem especially as some one with his salary is putting up the price for ordinary people because apparently They have a problem with alchahol my brother in law was in Holland with the Murderer Megrahi and in Greenock nick he would have died in jail if it was up to me If people step outside the boundries of civilization so be it they made that choice I would show him thesame compassion he showed to his victims.


I disagree entirely. Scotland has long upheld the principle of releasing, on humane grounds, prisoners who are terminally ill, and I was pleased that Kenny MacAskill did not bend to political pressure to deprive Mr al-Megrahi of the opportunity to return to his family to die.


The release was based on independent medical advice that estimated that Mr al-Megrahi was likely to have no more than three months left to live. The fact that he survived for much longer may well be due to the treatment he received after returning to Libya - treatment that, it seems, is not widely available in Britain.


Vulpicide - I see you refer to Mr macAskill as "Kenny the Alchi". Presumably you are suggesting some kind of alcohol problem. Would you like to apprise us of your reasons? I consider Mr MacAskill to be a decent and sincere man. Yes, I HAVE met him. Have YOU? I think you would do well to put up - or apologise and then shut up.


And Kes - I can't really make out what you are trying to say. Your hope that "those whose relatives died are given the final satisfaction of knowing who killed their loved ones and seeing him/her die" rather suggests that you are not convinced that Mr al-Megrahi was the culprit, yet you go on to say, "Best he's gone for everyone else and himself too probably." Where's the logic in that???


Many innocent people died in the Lockerbie bombing. That is an irrefutable fact. It is also a fact that the subsequent investigation, and the prosecution and conviction of Mr al-Megrahi, has left many people - and I am one of them - far from convinced that justice was served.


Unfortunately, until the truth emerges (and it may never emerge) it is quite likely that the real perpetrators will go unpunished. They will remain concealed and protected by the convoluted commercial and political agendas of some western and Middle eastern countries.

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I've met a load of MSP's including the current first minister etc I fought the Watson bill through the Scottish parliament and was on first name terms with alot of them that do's not mean I like or respect them all Watson ended up in the Jail despite trying to assume the high moral ground until his wife found out IN THE PRESS THAT SHE WAS HIS SECOND WIFE. McLeish jumped ship before he got the jail for fraud but all of a sudden he's running Scottish Football McConnell had to come clean about the affair he was having before his acceptance speech as first minister I could go on Do not hold up an MP or MSP to me as a PARAGON of Virtue most of them cannot stand up to Scrutiny.

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