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Beretta Silver Pigeon

Ferret Master

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I have been looking for a 20 bore O/U shotgun for a while now and I went to Wiltshire Rod and Gun yesterday and had a feel of various guns. Tony was getting a couple of 20 bore Silver Pigeons in today and we should be hopefully going there on Saturday to get me a shotgun. :no: We are leaning towards the Silver Pigeon despite the price as it feels great and I have shot well with one several times before. :good: It also has a brilliant re-sale value as 20 bores are popular at the moment and second hand ones are rare as rocking horse poo. :no:


I have heard they are very highly rated and require little cleaning other than the normal as it is impossible due to the design to get dirt in the action. :no:


Do many of you have any experience with them and do you rate them? I will be using it for clays and vermin. :no: Please tell me all good and bad as it's going to be a big purchase.


Many thanks in advance for any and all replies. :good:


FM ???

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Had the 30" Silver Pigeon 3. Didn't like it personally- too light, whippy and shot very high for me.


Just purchased a 20g Miroku MK60 Grade 5 30" today, first shots at clays came to 38/50- should be a nice game gun.


What price is wilts rod and gun knocking the pigeon out for?

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The Beretta Silver Pigeon model across all the gauges, is an extremely well made and popular gun.


I would recommend you get a multichoke, but forget all the fancy engraving and the basic Beretta woodwork is normally excellent .


Don't get a gun that is so fancy you are scared to get it wet, dirty, or slightly scratched.


Good luck with your purchase.


Go and have a look on Guntrader.co.uk for Beretta 20 bores, there are loads of them, some new and some scondhand.

Thats a good place to go to compare prices with your local Gunshops offerings.

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I was thinking about a multichoke but I couldn't really justify it at the extra price. 1/4 and 1/2 will kill anything flying at reasonable range and Dad will have a heavily choked 12bore with the BB's in it for the foxes so fixed will do me fine. :good: I have been looking on guntrader for a while now. :no:


LB, I'm going to start selling stuff on Ebay starting off with a Fisher Price see-saw. :good:


FM :no:

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  Ferret Master said:
I was thinking about a multichoke but I couldn't really justify it at the extra price. 1/4 and 1/2 will kill anything flying at reasonable range and Dad will have a heavily choked 12bore with the BB's in it for the foxes so fixed will do me fine. :no: I have been looking on guntrader for a while now. :no:


LB, I'm going to start selling stuff on Ebay starting off with a Fisher Price see-saw. :good:


FM :no:


Well let me start the bidding then FM. £5-00 off my tab in the PW arms :good: if you keep it and post a pic on this site every year on your birthday.




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FM, I've shot Silver Pigeons for years now, game, vermin and clays, and I can honestly say I have never

had a problem of any kind.


As long as it fits you go for it!


I'm currently looking for a 20g for Mrs Browning, and I will get a Silver Pigeon if it fits her as well as her Silver Pigeon 12g.

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I'm with LB on this one FM your Dad is a top bloke, he runs you around to shooting do's and then buys you tools like that - make sure you look after him :good:


As for the gun, for a 20bore I would say go for 28" as they seem to balance better, and don't worry too much about multi chokes, the Silver Pigeon is a very good gun you won't hear many bad words about them.


Christ, once you get to grips with that, you will be whooping some *** at the next PW clay shoot :good:

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I've got a SP3 12g with 28" barrels. I love the gun. I have had 2 duff firing pins, both bottom barrel wich were fixed quickly under warrenty but other than that I cant fault it.


The only thing is, I paid £1375. for it. It came with a beautifull stock, really nice wood. I've now managed to put a nasty dent in the butt that is going to cost me £150. ish to get repaired !



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  Rob G said:
I shoot a silver pigeon s 28' 12b multi choke i love it .I also shoot a 20b franchi harrier 28' mc lovely gun for walked up days :good:


The missus bought a Franchi Harrier earlier this summer. Its a great little gun from the Gunmark stable, on its first outing at clays she got 86/100. It was £600, well worth it.



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my wife uses a SP 20b 26" fixed choke and she finds it handles very well, ive had a pop myself and its a tasty gun. my own 12b SP4 [30" m/c] handles well too. ive only ever shot beretta so am probably bias. but i find them easy to handle and nice to shhot with, we got hers second hand from bamfords nr. preston. i'd recommend one but each to their own.

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  Ferret Master said:


Does anyone know much about the Lincoln range mainly the O/U Premier in 20 bore? From what I have heard and seen so far they seem like a good gun with multichokes. :lol:


FM ???


My son has one FM, he has only shot it a few times.

IMHO it is a fine gun, I bought it secondhand and to strip it down as it hadn't been looked after very well, and I was very impressed with the build quality. I had Browning Medlist apart the week before that and the Lincoln is a far better made gun.

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We went to Wiltshire Rod and Gun this morning and left with a Beretta Silver Pigeon S. :/ It took a while for me to make up my mind but I chose the Beretta. :/ The auto safety is very stiff and I really struggle to operate it so me and my Dad have been sitting watching the cricket engaging it and disengaging it. I now have a rather large blister on my thumb. :lol: Hopefully it will become easier quickly. :lol:


It won't stop raining though and I want to go and give it a test drive. :P???


FM :lol:

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  henry d said:
  Ferret Master said:

The auto safety is very stiff and I really struggle to operate it

Thats how it should be m8 :lol: safety first.


BTW - multi or fixed choke and what size chambers? and tell Mum & Dad they are priceless,you`re a lucky man ???


It's a fixed choke. 1/4 and 1/2. :) It has 3'' chambers and is suitable for steel shot. I haven't stopped smiling yet. :/:/:lol::lol::P:P:P:P:P:D



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