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cartridges for wildfowling


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im hopefully going wildfowling for the forst time at the beginnig of the season, as i have said i havent been before and dont knwo what cartridges will be the best to take. i know they must be non toxic and prob felt wad. but im not sure which non toxic shot, tungsten steel or bismuth. also my gun(laurona o/u 12 bore) can take 3 inch magnums so are these more suitable to take. and what shot size?





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Hevi-shot seems to be the bees knees but for reasonable price and good performance I`d go for Tungsten matrix,preferably in a buffered cartridge(can`t remember who does it).


That`s if it is real wildfowling................ie.mud and foreshore.


If it`s duck shooting over a pond or river,I`d go for steel if your gun will take it.


DO NOT USE TIN...............EVER.

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I use Hevi shot by Express. I cannot fault them. Whatever you do don't use Bismuth, it isn't up to it. Steel is OK for shooting short range up to 30 yds.


I have not used tungsten matrix but I am sure it will be fine.


Have fun in the mud!!





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I use Hevi shot by Express. I cannot fault them. Whatever you do don't use Bismuth, it isn't up to it. Steel is OK for shooting short range up to 30 yds.


I have not used tungsten matrix but I am sure it will be fine.


Have fun in the mud!!





Heavyshot is definitely better than bismuth.

Can't remember how much I paid though!

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i think i will just go for 2 1/2s, cheaper and more variety i think.






Flash 2 1/2 for wildfowl! I give you 2 trips before you chuck you gun in the mud :) why not make it real hard and try a .410


As long as the gun is not choked tighter than ½, 36grs (3 inch) steel in a number 3 is very effective at ranges up to about 35 yards, after that it lacks clout, due to its density (or lack of) in comparison to lead which is not allowed. At about £6 a box of 25 its also cost effective and a good all round combi for a wildfowling newbie, The problem faced by all of us is to match a load with our sporting requirement and our pocket, not always easy! However best to have a cart that will do the job, as sitting in the cold mud and missing or pricking birds with the wrong load would make you wish you had spent a bit more money and a bit more time on research, of good luck



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this will either help or confuse!





As I started to read this I thought"I`m sure I met this bloke at the BASC wildfowling conference".......... Oh yes indeedy.

He is the foremost expert IMO with most non-tox but especially steel.I still have about 20-30 page document he gave me with all the data from his experiments.


As you will have guessed he likes 3.6mm steel,in his gun!

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I homeload my own HeviShot for the geese in a variety of 12g sizes, as I fire over 200 shots a season it becomes much more cost effective.


For small buys I would recommend looking at John Forseys in Kent, they stock a good variety of non-toxic loads. You will find an advert in most shooting mags.




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