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Groundhog Weekend

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We had a call on Friday to go back to the farm that we have shot for the last three weeks, thinking that they had moved on to the wheat we were amazed to find they were on the barley still. The farmer asked us to shoot the barley as it was being cut later in the day so we set up on the grass again at 12.00 it was a bit slow at the start as they had seen the decoys before and they realy wanted the barley but when the combine came it gave us some fantastic shooting. We packed up at 18.00 and picked up one hundred and sixty nine pigeons and twenty three crows. We told the farmer the count for the day and he asked us to look at his brothers wheat on the way home, it was loaded. So on Saturday we set out to shoot the wheat via looking at a number of farms on the way which had birds sitting on the wires but no major holes to shoot in. We set up on the wheat at 12.00 and shot till 18.00 it was very hot and the dog kept looking out of the hide and we knew when the birds were coming by the waging tail. We picked up one hundred and eighty five pigeons.






Edited by pigeon controller
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