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Lamping Batteries


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I need help deciding what battery to get for my lamp.

My mate has a 12v 7Ah one and that seems fine, but I don't understand the 7Ah bit. ??? Would a 10Ah just last longer or would it blow the lamp up? Is it just a case of finding the happy medium between weight and power?

Also can these batteries be charged with either a motorbike charger or a trickle charger, or do I need to buy a specific charger?


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The bigger the AH, the longer the battery will last. I have a few batteries, but my main one is a 12v/12amp hour. This is excellent for general use. I also use an 18amp/hour one,but the battery is a lot heavier.

You can use a car charger to re-charge them, but I use trickle chargers to keep them topped up. These cost as little as £5.00.

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when i started lamping there was no such thing as gunlights and the battery of choice was a lead acid motorbike one (carried in a cheap canvass rucksack), it still burned your coats etc and i once ruined a kitchen floor during changing.


now we have the Lithium Ion seled units that weigh a fraction, take re-charging well and dont ever leak. To my mind you gan get a fair bit of lamping time out of one of the smaller ones if your lamp aint a real stubble burner and two makes a heck of a long night out and can still be carried easily on a belt pouch no less!. Battery MUST MATCH THE LAMP so if you feel you must have a gizzilion candle power your gunna need lug a big old battery to to keep it lit

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when i started lamping there was no such thing as gunlights and the battery of choice was a lead acid motorbike one (carried in a cheap canvass rucksack), it still burned your coats etc and i once ruined a kitchen floor during changing.


now we have the Lithium Ion seled units that weigh a fraction, take re-charging well and dont ever leak. To my mind you gan get a fair bit of lamping time out of one of the smaller ones if your lamp aint a real stubble burner and two makes a heck of a long night out and can still be carried easily on a belt pouch no less!. Battery MUST MATCH THE LAMP so if you feel you must have a gizzilion candle power your gunna need lug a big old battery to to keep it lit

I've been looking at two gazillion candle power lamps. :hmm:

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I've been looking at two gazillion candle power lamps. :hmm:


Then you need the biggest darn battery you can carry, can't see much point to over powerfull lamps - your meant to see them and shoot em not burn thier little eyes out. Seriously too much power is counterproductive more often than productive IMO

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Then you need the biggest darn battery you can carry, can't see much point to over powerfull lamps - your meant to see them and shoot em not burn thier little eyes out. Seriously too much power is counterproductive more often than productive IMO


Cool. 2 gazillion and this baby will do the trick.


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Cheap option is the 7Ah taken from replacement programme for emergnecy lighting in commercial premises. Might last 3 years, might already be stuffed.

As they are only £20 I would buy new and have a warranty.

Car charger will cook them, heat them and if forgotten about split them. Dedicated trickle chargers are the way to go.


The Lithium ions are absolutley fantastic, typically 25% of the weight, double the endurance and 5 times the price of SLA but worth every penny for convenience.


The 22Ah will power a 2 gazzilllion lamp, weighs the same as a bag of sugar and will last long enough to see to phone the fire brigade to come and put out the stubble fire the 2 gazzilion lamp caused.

Or with a sensible lamp do a whole night.

Edited by hillmouse
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