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Things you don't often see x 2


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While I was fishing today at a large lake in France I was watching a red kite soaring over the trees and towards me. I was quite unobtrusive and it did not appear to notice me as it went past about 50 metres away and 10 metres above the lake. It was on its regular beat and I had sen it and its partner many times before. Then suddenly it swooped and plucked something from the surface of the water. As it flew away I could see that it had a small silver fish in its talon that it passed to its beak and ate it on the wing. Never seen that before.


A few minutes later the bobbin went up and I struck into a decent carp (22lb 9oz if you must know). As it came to the net I could see something bright red inside its mouth. On landing the fish I found a new looking red and silver plug with two red treble hooks and a wire trace inside its mouth. The line apperared to have been broken at the upper swivel. Never seen that before either.

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While I was fishing today at a large lake in France I was watching a red kite soaring over the trees and towards me. I was quite unobtrusive and it did not appear to notice me as it went past about 50 metres away and 10 metres above the lake. It was on its regular beat and I had sen it and its partner many times before. Then suddenly it swooped and plucked something from the surface of the water. As it flew away I could see that it had a small silver fish in its talon that it passed to its beak and ate it on the wing. Never seen that before.


A few minutes later the bobbin went up and I struck into a decent carp (22lb 9oz if you must know). As it came to the net I could see something bright red inside its mouth. On landing the fish I found a new looking red and silver plug with two red treble hooks and a wire trace inside its mouth. The line apperared to have been broken at the upper swivel. Never seen that before either.






.........................................and then I found a first edition of the bible.................which was nice. :lol:






Couldn't resist Clive. Tres bizarre mon ami. Tight lines.

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Squeaking a fox the other night and a Tawny owl swooped right in above my head,

I guess the distressed rabbit was a bit to temping…..anyway it made me jump.

First time for every thing…..




had the same thing happen a good few years ago now my mate was squeaking a fox i was holding the lamp and we had this other fella with us who just come to watch, who all off a sudden let out a terrified scream i spun round with the lamp as his scream freaked me out, to see a tawney owl makeing a sharp exit but he reckoned it actually hit his head. he never came again funnily enough!
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I was lamping on the edge of a moor in North Yorks a fair while ago on a wild squally night and saw a moonbow. It was a silver rainbow.

When I told a few people about it next day I am sure they thought I was on someting so I never mentioned it again.


Has anyone else seen one of these?

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When we where in Canada this year we took the rowing boats out on the creek.

Half way round

Dan decided to call in some Turkeys for us

So their we sat as quite as could be listerning to this Turkey answering Dans call

As it was getting closer its footsteps got a lot more heavily then you would expect a Turkeys too be .

And i was really starting too think it was a bear or even a yeti !!!

Turn out it was a Turkey poacher who was answering Dans call.

Lucky for for us we where down below him in the creek so he couldnt see us ;o)


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Yesterday I was driving up the side off the runway on the island I work on in the middle of the Araian gulf, when I noticed a pigeon flying parallel to my vehicle when all off a sudden it dropped out of the sky and landed in a heap in the sand DEAD! Now I have seen this when I have taken one out with the gun but never just seen one fall out of the sky dead without being touched lol I couldnt believe what I had seen!! I am guessing the extreme heat yesterday was just too much for this bird and it dropped due to heat exhaustion??? Certainly weird!

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Up at the farm yesterday morning,painting some doors,and heard a helluva loud screeching coming from over the yard wall about 20 yds away.Went to investigate and saw a Buzzard coming out of a swoop and dive again,realised the screeching sounded like a Curlew.Ran up to wall and Buzzard appeared no more than 10 feet away,coming out of it's dive,spotted me and veered off.Looking over wall saw a fully grown Curlew standing in the grass,looking back at me.

Thinking it was injured I jumped over wall and it flew off,seemingly ok,so had a search for a chick but could find nothing.Have never seen a Buzzard attack a bird this size before.

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A Sparrow hawk swoops down and hits a Collared Dove? but carrys on into the patio doors, clatters them and to the ground. Hearing this in my shed 15m away I run to the two birds on the ground at which point when about 1m away the S-hawk lets go and off.


I put the dove under a shrub and short while later it flew off.


Sodding S-h has had a couple of these and some sparrows before...........



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What a lucky man you are Clive. It's a good job you caught that carp it may have struggled long term. I used to catch a fair few carp on small deads meant for eels.


Lucky I am. Not only do I have a nice new lure and trace for the pike season, but I've enough fish for two BBQs

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