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Worst Olympic sports to watch on TV


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I think the writers just irked because it doesent consist solely of "american" sports :hmm: and therefore as an american he's having trouble understanding them.


Its only latterly that the olympics has been a televised event - it was going for 50 years before the goggle box was invented. Sports arte not there solely to create a spectator spectacle !

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http://sports.yahoo.... ... --oly.html



so, how we can change this?

So the issue is.....


Shooting -- Seeing targets explode into a puff of purple in skeet shooting is always enjoyable. But the competitors are so quick and the targets are so small that watching the event is a confusing jumble of noises and clouds.
Buy a Bigger TV! Get some glasses, perhaps not decide that all olympic shooting disciplines are Shotgun events ???


Simple answer high speed cameras mounted on the guns........No Wheel barrows required


OR dancing girls? (The usual american answer to boring as possible sport)


PS Archery made it to number 5 on the list! not exactly a stunning spectator sport for those with a "footlong & a big gulp"

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No guys, is something that can change "lions" like Ed &co.in little pussycats!


It's a" reality check" machine that helps you to find out how "great "you are in fact!


Changes attitudes from arrogant to humble and brings people down to Earth from a fauls glory levitation!


... and BTW is not PVC, CMH( keep me humble) material.:)

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