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A very strange experiance .


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I decided to have a go at the pigeons at first light a few days ago . I got to the field about an hour before first light and decided to set up along side a small piece of woodland . I also wanted to see how many deer were about with a thought of getting some meat in the larder a bit later on in the week .


It was a loverly morning and very still ,as often it is at this time of the day . I am one of these weirdos who like to be out in the field at first light just to enjoy the peace of the countryside and to watch the wild life pass me by .


This part of the farm I was on is well populated by all species of deer and is known for the wonderful dawn sing along of the song birds . I set my hide up almost straight away and was in the hide with my binos ready about 30 minutes or so before dawn .


Whilst sitting in my hide I had the most awful feeling of impending doom and it was quite scary . I knew what was going to happen as I have experianced this feeling a couple of times in the past . Absolutely nothing moved , No dawn movement of birds and absolutely no birds welcoming the dawn . I would allways expect to see deer of some kind on this part of the farm or seen old raynard on his way home ,but absolutly nothing . No rabbits scratching about and most unusual no crows or rooks moving onto the field . It realy did feel like the end of the world . I decided to stay for a while so at first light I put my decoys out and did not see a pigeon cross the field untill about 8 am ,very unusual . I packed in at noon with out having a single shot and only seeing the occational bird .


Has any body else had this weird incounter at first light ? or should I see my shrink .


Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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Definitely happens when you're fishing. The river feels dead. No fish topping, no bird activity and certainly no bites. Usually seems to be like that when we have that very heavy grey tiring feeling weather. Can be very good as soon as the pressure changes though, everything springs into action!

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I've had the same experience but I think sometimes the mind play's tricks on you, maybe its just a little quieter than normal and you focus on the quiet, when normally your mind will be looking at deer or swinging the shotgun. I pass a churchyard when lamping, most times I never give it a second thought, but sometimes I feel the ice down me back........................ though I get this feeling all the time when in the company of the mother in law ( maybe the mother in law lives in the church yard, spooooky)

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I spoke to a friend of mine who is a proffessor of natural sciences and he says that I could have experianced being on the edge of a parrallel world . Which he insists exists . Poor old Harnser could have finished on the wrong side . But who knows maybe I did and am now living in a parrallel world . Mrs Hanser does look about 20 years younger ? We shall see tonight .


Harnser .

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Probably being watched by a Chupacabra. I've had similar experiences, I think it's all basic psychology. Probably goes back to when we as hunter gathers had to fear attack from other predators, and became attuned to such changes in 'the air'. Or maybe it is just you...

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Lol at the above!


I know what you mean tho, but in all fairness, there could have been any number of things. I lamped a field usually teeming with rabbits last night and diddnt see one. But 15 miles away on my other permission the hares were bouncing up and down the field at dusk.


Could have been someone walking their dog or anything bud.

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Probably being watched by a Chupacabra. I've had similar experiences, I think it's all basic psychology. Probably goes back to when we as hunter gathers had to fear attack from other predators, and became attuned to such changes in 'the air'. Or maybe it is just you...


I understand what you are saying ,but why the lack of birds and game ? being attuned to my situation should have shown me more birds and game . Nothing for about three hours of first light .


Harnser .

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Lol at the above!


I know what you mean tho, but in all fairness, there could have been any number of things. I lamped a field usually teeming with rabbits last night and diddnt see one. But 15 miles away on my other permission the hares were bouncing up and down the field at dusk.


Could have been someone walking their dog or anything bud.


You would have to experiance the feeling of impending doom and gloom to understand what I mean . Yes somebody could have been around and scared all the birds and game off ,but not for 3 hours and not in this very secluded part of the farms .


Harnser .

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Yup, you do get "Dead Days" when there appears to be nothing about and all wildlife apparently dissapears.


Equally you get days when the place is teeming with previously unseen numbers.


Maybe being alone and in tune with your surroundings makes you more susceptible to these feelings.

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