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sticking to just one gun


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I would like to ask the question to members on here,do you think shooting the one gun only has any advantage over using a different gun the odd time,i have a over and under,and a semi auto,i shoot mainly clays and like to switch between the two,the guy who runs the local shoot keeps telling me to stick to the one gun but i like to have a change now and then,i can shoot just as bad with any gun :hmm:

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Until you can shoot to a good standard stick to one gun that fits once you become competent than you can play about but you will at this point know what fits and what dosnt

Good advice,and more or less how in my experience,it seems to work.

As a novice it is advisable to stick with one gun,and learn to shoot with it,especially if you take competition seriously and want your scores to increase.Once you become proficient with it,it is much easier to adapt to a fresh gun even if it's only borrowed off someone for 'a go'.

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Depends on what you want, if you want to improve to a high level of clay shooting, then stick with one gun, one cartridge until you attain that level.


If you shoot for fun and are not that bothered about becoming a 'AA' shot, then shoot both and enjoy yourself!!


I have the same set up as you and use the semi auto for pigeon and game, and the OU for clays.


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Why an OU for clays? But SA for everything else?


OU is set up for clays and has an adjustable stock and 32" barrels, have to keep adjusting the stock if game or pigeon shooting according to what I'm wearing, semi is shorter barrel lighter to carry for the day and seems to fit no matter what I'm wearing!, if pigeon shooting I can stick 3 in the tube, and I don't worry too much about how dirty it gets. Plus semi was a bargain price after my last game gun had it's stock broken by a friend I took shooting for a day ( he reversed over it in his shiny friggin range rover!)

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As has been mentioned it depends on what you want out of it.

If you simply enjoy the day and a level of success that is within your goals then swap as much as you like. For some a score which is not a source of anger or embarrasment and a bit of fun is what they want. Using different guns may well be part of the fun for many people,and if they enjoy that, then fine as they are getting what they want out of it.

For others their goal may be a particular class, say moving from B to A or a to AA. For them consistency is the key and swapping guns would be less than ideal.

In disciplines such as skeet and trap it isn't that difficult to hit any of the targets. If you do, the same one will be along again later. What is difficult is to consistently hit EVERY target. In sporting there is already an added degree of difficulty in that you have to be able to shoot ANY target and typically you will only see the same one a maximum of 5 times in a round. Factor in a different gun and you make good scores less likely to be achieved consistently.

The top performers tend to use the same gun for a discipline and stick with it.

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