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Ultimate Fry up?


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Getting silly now,


I know and love white pudding/black pudding.


never heard of hogs pudding or fruit pudding...


Are people just making it up now???


Oh and the above breakfast still has chips/fried sliced spuds....its so WRONG




And just to confuse you more there's a special treat of fried Clootie dumpling (which is a steamed spicy fruit pudding) on a New Years Day Morning :good::lol:

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When up in NW Scotland, my usual fry is; Egg, Bacon, Lorne Sausage, Pork Sausage, Mushrooms, Beans, Tomatoes, Black pudding, White pudding, Fruit Pudding, Haggis and Fried bread.


However it does lay a little heavy and leaves you hungry about 3pm!


When in Scotland,do as the Scottish do. Haggis is a must. :good:

Edited by the enigma
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When up in NW Scotland, my usual fry is; Egg, Bacon, Lorne Sausage, Pork Sausage, Mushrooms, Beans, Tomatoes, Black pudding, White pudding, Fruit Pudding, Haggis and Fried bread.


However it does lay a little heavy and leaves you hungry about 3pm!

Forgot the hash brown, thats because its our lass who cooks them!


As for chips, there's a well known transport cafe near me that does a 'BREAKFAST SPECIAL' 24 hours a day 365 days a year and it has chips on! But then again when they first started serving curry you had the option of chips or rice, both came with peas, carrots and cauliflower!

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Eggs x2 with runny yoke, a pack of smoked streaky bacon(crispy) 2xblack pudding, plumb tomatoes from a tin(so what) grilled feild mushrooms, 2 x pork and apple sausages (free range ) fried white bread and a plate full of toast dripping in proper slightly salted full fat butter. Each to there own but there is nowt down for beans and hash browns that's just sacrilage. And a pot of sweet Yorkshire tea to wash it all down. I do this every Sunday for the wife and kids, the kids won't let the wife do it as dad does a proper English brekky, and the wife agrees with em ha ha. A full English can be eaten any time of the day and will never be knocked back off any proper British citizen, that is unless you are a gay lord vegetarian, ha ha


Atb fynny

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