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Getting rid of badgers


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Watch what you do as where there are badgers there is almost always people keeping an eye on them. They know the laws around badger protection inside out and phone the police at the smallest hint the law has been broken.


Used to work at a station where there was a badger set near to where they were building houses and the badger watchers were on the phone nearly every day about something.

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Badgers are protected - not sacred. If you are suffering damage to your property try speaking to your local DEFRA Dept. If you get a load of waffle - you may be speaking to a hugger - then write which tends to concentrate anyone's mind as it forces a reply and one copy ends up with you and another on a file. I'm not saying anything will be done but if no one knows there's a problem, then most definitely nothing will. If you write, photo's are good.

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You're not far off they can go through heavy grade mesh like a knife through butter. Had to pile through some badger setts a few years back to keep the integrity of a flood bank they had destroyed. The paperwork and redtape involved was ridiculous considering the damage the were doing to the flood defence putting people at risk of flooding. I'm pretty sure we are almost to the point that if you walked in the house and found one on the couch you would be the one turfed to the street :)

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Totally ilegal you could and would be prosecuted for Interfering with a Badger sette.


Jog on vulpicide, I couldn't be prosecuted for anything since I was sharing what I heard. And since your the billy police why did you bother contributing and why are you being discriminitive towards my post when there are several who have suggested interfering with a badger set.

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As Ex-President Nixon of the U.S.A. would have said.................. "Nuke 'Em"!

Only joking.

I'm quite interested in the answers to this post as I have had several people with the same problem (Badgers digging up their gardens and lawns) asking what they could legally do about the problem!

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but you wouldn't be if they'd been chucking creosote down holes,


best deterrent is actually people don't bother putting your dog out you don't want an altercation between the two, just get out in the garden more chuck up a security light etc and go out and make a noise each time it goes off and the badger will soon clear off

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And what qualifies at interfering with a set? As I understand it if you knowingly approach the territory of a set or interfering with the natural activity of badgers in a way that it would cause them to feel distressed in any way then it's illegal, therefore you can't do any of the things suggested to deter badgers.

Edited by lee-kinsman
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